Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jesus! Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas this year. It was filled with meaning, love, gratitude and generosity. I saw some good things in my children this Christmas, and I'm thanking God for it! It was the tightest Christmas we've ever experienced, but despite that, God did the "loaves and fishes" miracle on our Christmas and I think the kids received some of the nicest gifts ever! God is so good!!! The picture above is of us singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus" with cupcakes and lighted candles. Before opening stockings and gifts we finished our Jesse Tree and Waiting Tree devotions to help drive home what we were celebrating. We were blessed to have Michael's folks stay with us over the weekend.

This picture was taken Christmas Eve. It is becoming tradition to let the kids open their gifts from Michael's brother and SIL. As you can see, they got totally spoiled!

After breakfast and devotions, we open stockings and gifts. We take turns opening gifts so we can enjoy watching other's faces when they open theirs. This has always been hard for Josiah, but this year, he did very well. A huge improvement! Hailey got a bible with a handle on it in her stocking. Josiah got a "Jonathon Park - X-Scope" from Vision Forum. They were both thrilled!

I got Michael some parts for a carburetor that he is going to put together for his T-Bucket Roadster project.  

Josiah was so excited to get Hailey a pink fishing pole with his own money. He also got me an beautiful necklace and earring set with his own money. I was so pleased to see him giving on his own. Hailey wore her Christmas dress she got from her Nana all day with her "almost bun".

Some friends of ours, Billy and Kay, dropped off some gifts for the kids to open on Christmas. Hailey got this awesome crayon tower. It is so much easier for her to put her crayons away now and keep them all together. Whoever thought of this was a genius! Michael's folks got Hailey a rodeo princess set. She wore it almost the whole day. Talk about adorable!

We got Josiah a pair of nice leather chaps off Ebay (used) that he loved. Michael got him a "hickory" logger shirt and we we also got him a hunting set that included the coonskin hat, tent and a pop gun with binoculars. Billy and Kay got Josiah the Nerf Blaster which was he loved of course.

My in-laws got Josiah these "Daddy's Helper" suspenders and he looked like a "logger-cowboy-mountain man" the whole day. He's wearing his dad's boots with spurs in this pic , LOL.

We invited some friends over and had a wonderful lamb dinner with all the fixin's plus some Asian food. I'm hoping to post my favorite lamb roast recipe soon. We were stuffed to say the least, plus we had pumpkin pie later that night with hot butters and hot buttered rums for some of the adults, while we broke out the fiddle and I gave our friend a little lesson as he is thinking of getting a violin. 

Truly the perfect Christmas! I hope each of yours was just as blessed. May you all have a wonderful New Year!

In Christ,


  1. Jackie,

    It was great to hear about your Christmas. I love lamb. My husband doesn't so I hardly ever have it. You are doing a great job mom! :-)


    Mrs A (Rosemi)

    PS: Thank you for stopping by our new blog and leaving comments. :-)

  2. It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. We had our tightest Christmas ever as well. But, it was so nice to be all together that we hardly even noticed.

  3. We love doing the one at a time opening thing here.. my 10 yr old is it's biggest proponent! we also take breaks and play with toys sometimes!

    lovely christmas!

  4. What a wonderfully abundant Christmas!! We had a very tight budget this Christmas also, but the kids had a great Christmas. Yes....God is good!!

    Sending blessings for the New Year your way...

    Chris xoxo

  5. Love your kids' outfits! The best part about Christmas is spending time with family, looks like yours was indeed perfect.

  6. Merry Christmas!! Sounds like a wonderful celebration, for sure. God is so good to bring so many amazing blessings to your family. Praying your family is richly blessed in the new year. :)

  7. Looks like a fabulous Christmas!! Wishing your family a very Merry!!

    I felt my children were spoiled also, but in reality, they aren't. This was one of the tightest of years for us also. Not really sure why though.

  8. What a fun Christmas at your house and all the lovely gifts. I will blog later about mine cuz my computer has issues! We had a good Christmas even on a tight budget too. But being together was great! Happy New Year!

  9. Sounds like a perfect Christmas. Thanks for sharing it with us. Your kids are beautiful.

  10. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!
    We usually do cupcakes for Jesus' birthday, too. This year, with birthdays (and cupcakes) a week before and the day after Christmas, we decided to turn our traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls into Jesus' birthday breakfast! :)

  11. Olivia got the same fishing pole this year! Maybe someday we can get the kids together to do some fishing! :) So happy to hear you all had a wonderful Christmas!

  12. Love the carriage and that rodeo queen set. Wow! Wouldn't we have died if we got that at her age?

    What a wonderful Christmas you had. I'm so glad you were able to share it with family and friends.

  13. Lovely Christmas photo. Your family is beautiful and you are blessed.

    We do one at a time opening as well. We love it that way!

    God's blessings on your New Year as well.



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