Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pendleton Christmas

The first weekend in Dec, we're beginning a new tradition of staying with my mom and step-dad in Pendleton and taking in all the "Cowboy and Indian" style Christmas festivities. On Friday we met my mom at the cafe (had salmon corn chowder) in the local Native American museum called "Tamastlikt". The picture above is of Josiah and Hailey trying to "blend in", LOL. They had a temporary display on the 100 years of the Pendleton Round Up that was fantastic as well as the Indian part of the museum. The kids got to talk to Tessie Williams, a well-known elder, who told them about root digging and showed them what a traditional meal would be. They didn't think it looked all that appetizing ;) 

We were also fortunate to catch the "Birds of Prey" exhibit. Josiah and Hailey were fascinated with the golden eagle, "Ella". She had quite a wing span.

After that, we headed to the children's museum. Pendleton has a fantastic children's museum. The was the Lewis and Clark longboat exhibit. Hailey just want to cook. She's her mother's daughter after all ;)

The next day, we headed to the Festival of Trees where they had all kinds of free activities for family day. It was the Oregon's Civil War game, so Josiah was proudly displaying his favorite team on his cheek. Hailey has a pink ornament on hers, but she also claims to be a Beaver fan. With all that orange hair, it makes since right?

I just had to take a picture of this John Deer tree for my nephew, Andrew. I've never seen so many John Deer toys in my life!

We also got to take in scenes from the "Nutcracker" from Pendleton's local ballet group. They were so cute. The costumes were amazing! Kids loved watching.

We dropped of Josiah at my grandma's studio apartment to watch the Civil War game with her and my step dad, Larry. Mom and Hailey and I did what most girls love to do and went shopping. Mom got Hailey and I each a hat like the one she is wearing.

Oh, before we dropped off Josiah, we headed over to see Grandpa and his wife, Regina, as they ate breakfast. They drove a lot way to be in the Christmas Carriage Parade. The Teamster's breakfast was in the Let 'r Buck Room, a famous bar. Of course they weren't serving alcohol at breakfast, but I sure gave my grandpa a bad time about finding him in a bar (a place of business he is not fond of). I even got a picture for proof, LOL!

Here is Grandpa and Regina driving their horses in the parade. Lookin' good, Grandpa! It was cold that day, too. He is the oldest teamster they have in there parade. So proud of him!



  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time.

    Have a great day!

  2. What a great blog! Thank you for sharing all the fun things Pendleton has to offer in a winter destination! The first weekend in December is really a great down home Christmas celebration that anyone could love. Oh and that mother of yours is super!

  3. Looks like fun! What neat stuff to do and be a part of!

    Your grandpa looks like one of Stacie's boys!

    Looks like he really enjoyed the parade too.


  4. That looks like so much fun. What a great new tradition. I'll bet your kids look forward to it each year!

  5. What lovely traditions, Jackie! Great pictures too.

  6. It is nice that your kids are growing up with alot of their relatives nearby.Both my husband and my own parents live over 1,000 miles away so with the prices of gas we do not see them as often as we would like.I am always happy when I hear about kids getting to be with their Grandparents as those are some of my favorite memories growing up.:)Thankfully my husband and I own my Grandparents old house and my Grandma lives next door.Nikki


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