Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Getting The Most Out Of Your Food: Part 7 (Misc Healthy items)

There are just a few more miscellaneous pantry items I want to discuss in this healthy eating series. 

Baking Powder: While some use baking powder alternatives, I chose to use it because I think it is very convenient. However, I make sure to buy an aluminum-free baking powder. 

Arrowroot Powder: Instead of using corn starch which is usually made from genetically modified corn and is difficult to metabolize which can cause weight-gain, I use arrowroot powder instead to thicken things (sometimes I simply use whole wheat pastry flour as a thickener, too). Arrowroot flour (or powder) is the only starch that has calcium ash in it. It is easily digested and even found in many baby formulas (not that I'm a formula fan). When added to liquid and heated, it forms a jelly. You may need a little more when substituting a recipe for cornstarch.It also contains trace minerals. I love using it in my raw ice cream recipe for a smoother texture. 

About beans, from "Nourishing Traditions": 
"Beans cause digestive problems not because they contain protein and starches together, but because they contain two complex sugars, farrinose and stachyose, which are not easily broken down by enzymes normally found in the intestines. Beans and other legumes will be more digestible if soaked for a long period before cooking as this process begins the breakdown of these starches. Beans prepared properly have provided nourishment to human beings all over the globe and can be easily digest by most people. Actually, there is no food on earth that is pure starch or a pure protein. Even meat contains some sugar, and all acidic fruits contain starch". 

Most grains and legumes you find in the supermarket have been sprayed with pesticides or fungicides. Many times they are genetically modified which contain foreign proteins making it harder to digest. Therefore, I find eating organic beans is important.  Soaking beans and rinsing is essential when you're buying organic because it is hard to prevent vermin from getting into them. When you soak them, they come out and wash away as you rinse. Sorry to gross you out, but that is just a reality. 

What about potatoes?
According to "Nourishing Traditions", "potatoes are the most digestible carbohydrate food. They provide Vitamin C and B complex as well as potassium, calcium and iron. Most of the nutrients are just under the skin, so don't peel them. The skin itself is full of fiber..." I haven't peeled a potato in years, which makes preparing potatoes a snap! 

I find it very important to buy organic potatoes as commercially grown potatoes are sprayed with sprout-inhibitors, which can cause cellular changes in test animals. They do the same thing with onions. 

I tend to stay away from Russet potatoes and instead exclusively use Yukon Gold or red potatoes. They are higher in vitamins and minerals and more digestible.

Next post in this series will be about the benefits of knowing where your meat comes from.



  1. Great post, Jack. I need to buy different pototoes. I just buy the cheap kind. I didn't know they sprayed stuff on them. They spray everything nowdays don't they? I am planting potatoes this year, so hopefully I'll have a big enough crop to get me through summer and fall.

  2. I have an award for you at arise 2 write. It is the second post down. I have a prayer request at All Gods Creatures.

  3. I was wondering if maybe you could help with this question...I don't wish to use commercial formulas but will more than likely end up supplementing. Any formula you would recommend? Or that would be healthier than the commercial brands? So far I haven't been able to produce enough milk without supplementing for any of my kiddos, it's due to a lack of enough breast tissue, I'm going to see if our insurance will pay for banked breast milk, but I would be in line after those with sick children(I completely understand this and agree). That is the only reason I have to supplement.

  4. What a wonderfully informative post sweetie! I always buy the Yukon Gold, they have a nice flavor and color without all the butter.

    God bless you sweetie and have a fantastic day!!!

  5. Great question, Melaniek! "Nourishing Traditions" has a baby formula recipe in it that is wonderful. One of my friends was unable to breastfeed and used it and I can attest to her child be extremely healthy. The book also has recipes and tips on making your own healthy baby foods. I had no idea there was such a thing as a breast milk bank, that is cool!

  6. Thanks so much Jackie! The breast milk banks are truly a Godsend for the babies who need the milk their own mothers may not be able to provide. If I was one of the women who produced a lot of milk I would absolutely be a donor! I was going to ask if you could send the recipe but I'm thinking after all the great information in the book, I'm going to buy one.

  7. I'm so glad you're going to get the book, Melaniek!

  8. I'm with Stacie, I didn't know that they spayed them like that. I'm also planting potatoes this year. It's on my gardening "to buy" list!

  9. I'm also going to try growing my own potatoes for the first time this year as well.

  10. Hi, Jackie - I just found your blog, and I am definitely coming back! I love Nourishing Traditions. I've been trying to implement it a little at a time. By the way, I tried growing potatoes last year, and got a whole bunch of tiny red potatoes - I think I'll try again, as maybe I didn't water them enough and the vines dried up prematurely. Oh, well!

  11. I also do these things as well. Where we live right now...finding organic potatoes is like finding a needle in a haystack...but occasional I have hit the jackpot and buy several bags at a time. Most root veggies are filled with pesticides. So we make sure our sweet potatoes are organic too. Thanks for these great posts!

  12. Welcome, Robin!

    Yes. We really try to buy organic when it comes to root veggies, too.

  13. Hi Jackie,

    I am the one that left the comment about using Honey in the tooth soap. Today I read more about your blog and I am so happy to find out that you are a Christian that loves the Lord and you live in Oregon too. Which part of Oregon are you? I live in Beaverton. I just recently signed up with a local food co-op and started to buy local and organic produces. I has been great! Do you buy your food from a buying group as well or directly from a farm? Thanks for the info on corn starch, I never knew that before. Where can you find this alternative Arrowroot thing? Thank you again so much for the information.

    God bless


  14. Helen,
    I'm so glad you are finding my blog useful. Yeah! That makes me feel great that God is using it to help families eat healthier.

    We live in Eastern Oregon (Grande Rhonde Valley) and I get most of our staples from a company called Azure Standard. You can look them up on the web. I can get good quality food from them for a lot better price than what I would pay at a health food store. That is great that you've found a local co-op to join! We buy our meats farm direct. It was way less expensive that way. Any health food store should have arrowroot powder. It is wonderful stuff that actually has nutritional benefits to it vs corn starch which does damage to our health, especially if it is genetically modified. Thanks for taking the time to comment. It is wonderful to hear from people that are really taking this stuff seriously and are excited about wanting to feed their families healthier :) God Bless, Jackie

  15. Hi Jackie,

    Thank you for your reply. I have one more question about buying meat directly from local farm. Do they butcher it for you, or do you take it to a local butcher shop, or you and your family butcher yourself?


  16. When you contact a farm and order your meat, they will have it butchered for you, to which you pay that fee, as well as the fee for the animal. They should ask you how many packages you want and what kind of cuts, etc. Some ranchers want you to pick up the meat from the butchers, some pick it and arrange a delivery. Just depends on the farmer/rancher. Hope that makes sense! Even though it seems like a lot of money up front, you are getting way more meat as well as better cuts, not to mention the quality of meat is night and day from what you would get at the supermarket. It truly is a better deal!


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