Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quadruple Blessing Shower

Since becoming a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Discussion Group Leader, I try to do a blessing shower for all of the pregnant ladies or new mommies at my table. This year, my table had 4!  I just love the blessing shower concept. I'll never do a traditional baby shower again. Everyone would much rather spend their time blessing the mother-to-be rather than playing games most people dread. I got the idea from an Above Rubies magazine and I really hope it spreads. Here is a picture of the lovely ladies in their various stages of pregnancy or post-pregnancy. We give them foot soaks, neck and shoulder massages, hand rubs and painted their toenails. I think they look so beautiful in their daisy crowns! Such gorgeous princesses, daughters of the King.Before we start pampering them, everybody brings their favorite mothering bible verse, lyrics to a song or something funny or touching about motherhood to read aloud. We had to pass the tissue around the room for this part of the shower. I love seeing what people come up with. One of the mommies-to-be is my friend, Girlie. Her mom was unable to be there because she lives overseas. However, she sent a wonderful writing about motherhood for Girlie's friend to read to her. It was a very special moment. I sure wish I would have had it on video! The gal to the left is my friend, Cora. She came two hours early and helped me set everything up and helped with the fresh flower crowns. Love ya, Cora!

Here are the beautiful princesses standing in front of the wonderful food. I decided not to have a cake this time and everybody was just fine with it. I always ask each guest to bring a finger food which helps keep the cost (and work) of the shower way down. I put this shower on for a total of $22, which was mostly the flowers. A blessing shower can be really inexpensive! I use quilts to decorate and our ladies are the center pieces with their colorful crowns. 

After the food, our ladies get foot soaks and neck and shoulder massages. Then we massage lotion into their hands. I just love the way the guests always jump in and help with this part. I'm also thrilled that I now have enough room in my house to do this. Before I always had it on the deck and hoped the weather would stay nice. I don't have to worry about that now. Thank you God for our addition!

I had fun painting my friend, Leslie's, toenails. She was so cute. She said to me, "All I can think about is that I want to do this for someone else". Yes, pay it forward, My Dear! 

Here is another fellow DGL, Tonya, massaging Beth's feet. This can be such a wonderful time of fellowship.

I love this picture of Girlie, relaxing in a rocking chair. I like the way the light is shining down on her face. She just looks so contented.
So the next time you are thinking of throwing a baby shower for someone, think non-traditional! I'm hoping this concept spreads. It is so much more meaningful than playing a few games, eat cake, opening gifts and then everyone goes home. You can do gifts for the baby, gifts for the mommy or no gifts at all. The gift is in the pampering and blessings. Since it was almost everybody's second baby, I decided to just have people bring a gift for Girlie only, since she is just starting out in her motherhood adventure. This shower is a celebration of motherhood with a godly focus. When we bless, we are SOOO blessed in return!

In Christ,


  1. Wow, Jackie, thanks for the tour of the Blessings. I think I'll mention it to the shower committee. I almost makes me want to get pregnant! ;)

  2. Jackie,
    This is such a beautiful idea. I would have loved this while I was pregnant. What a way to bless these mothers in such a special way!

  3. Very cool! You did really good, Jackie. I'm so glad we discovered the "Blessing Shower".

  4. What a lovely idea! How fun that all four girls were blessed in this way. How exciting to have all those little babies to love on soon too. :)

    Many blessings,


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