Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day Fun

I've always loved Valentine's Day. As I get older, I realize what an important ministry opportunity it can be. Valentine's Day is either wonderful or very painful depending on what is going on in your life. If you are a wife of a deployed soldier, just lost a spouse, or are single, it can be a really depressing day. This year, I decided to show the kids that Valentine's Day isn't just about us. I'm hesitant to write this because I don't want it perceived as tooting my own horn, but I'm just hoping it will help you think of ways you can minister to others who might be hurting on this special day. 

Our family still did all our little traditions, heart-shaped pizza, had cookie grams sent to the house (above picture), and even got to go to a homeschool Valentine's Day party. But this year, and I hope every year from now on, we want to pick somebody(s) who might be having a hard time with the absence of a loved one. This year, we know many wives whose hubbies are deployed. We went to the $ store and got each of them a balloon and a feather rose and then delivered them. It was so much fun! Later on that day I made a call to a lonely widower who is spending his first Valentine's Day alone in 47 years. It was a hard call to make and I didn't really know what to say, but I know it made him feel good that we were thinking of him. 

This is a picture of Josiah and Hailey opening their Valentine's Day box from their Nana and Papa. They loved it! They are each holding up their favorite things. Josiah is holding a flashlight and Hailey is holding a princess night light which goes perfectly with her new bedding. 

My friend, Dorene, invited us to a homeschool Valentine's Day party. In a rare spurt of creativity, I helped the kids make large decorative envelopes with their names on them for their valentines to go into. I had them hand-make their valentines. They used stencils and cut different shapes out of pretty paper and we stamped the back and wrote their names (I wrote Hailey's name). They made enough for the dozen kids who were at the party.
Here is a picture of most of the kids at the V-D party. Not only did they get to exchange valentines, but they got to decorate their own sugar cookies and then have a play date. It was super fun! Thanks again, Dorene. The best part was that I got to hold a baby the entire time :)

Well, hope you all had a good Valentines Day. I look forward to seeing what you all did to celebrate on your blogs.



  1. Beautiful, Jackie.... I love the ministry idea. What a great gift for those whose hearts may have been aching and missing their loves.

    Hugs to you! And Happy belated Valentine's Day!!!!

  2. What great ideas Jackie! I suppose we always think of our own families on holidays...thank you for the reminder to think of others who might be having a hard time!

    Hailey is growing up to be a big girl so fast! Lovely photographs of them both enjoying their day together!

    God Bless

  3. That's a neat idea! And I don't think you were tooting your own horn, you were just sharing what you and your family did to serve others. It's good to have it in writing for your kids to reflect on one day.

    Enjoying your new camera?

  4. had a great time, darlin'! glad you were there!

  5. What a fun time you had celebrating Jackie! How precious it is to teach your little ones about serving others on a day that may be difficult for some. They will take these things with them into their adult lives. What a blessing!

    In His Love,

  6. Bless you for thinking of others who were challenged at this time,Jackie! How can your kids keep getting cuter? Come visit my kitchen!

  7. I don't think you were tooting your own horn at all. Thanks for sharing what you did to spread the love around on Valentines day!


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