Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Imaginings

Lil' Miss Thing in all her Rodeo princess gear for homeschool show and tell time at the library. She loves the little carts they have where she can walk around and "shop" for her books. 
Here they are together. Josiah was engrossed in a book. I didn't realize until now just how silly he looks in his cowboy boots with tucked in camo pants. Thank goodness we're homeschoolers and staying current with the fashion isn't a problem, LOL. That is certainly and advantage.
We've been reading "On the Banks for Plum Creek" and Josiah decided to make a clothesline out of dental floss (since we didn't have any string) so he could hang up his wet clothes (in his room) after swim lessons. He was so proud of himself. Love the way his mind works (most of the time, LOL).
I was working on the computer when Josiah came up to me looking like a pirate with a peg leg. He had used a roll from some parchment paper. I thought it was very clever. So now we are going around singing the "Peg Leg Song". If you haven't seen it yet, click on the link below. You're kids will love it! Of course, I'm a little prejudice since it is a red-headed pirate ;) 
Just had to throw in this one last picture of Hailey brushing my dad's very long mustache. She just loves her papa and likes playing with his "stache".  He's very patient with her. We had a great visit with he and my step-mom a couple of weekends ago.

This weekend was wonderful, too. Got 17 scrapbook pages done at a MOPS fundraiser event and hand time to start to prepare the garden. Getting excited! We learned so much last year, can't wait to try some different things this year. We're going to go with raised beds and maybe even a drip system. Cost will determine what we do.

Don't forget to scroll down a couple of posts and enter my giveaway if you haven't yet. I'm drawing on Monday.



  1. Love all the pics! Hailey is so cute brushing Dad's mangy "stache".

    Josiah is so creative!

    What a library you have!

  2. I love the ideas that your son comes up with...the peg leg is great!~ Any given day my girls have a zillion play silks out and are everything from a princess to a lady-in-waiting. ♥

  3. We thought the peg leg was a riot!!

    We are reading "Little House in the Big Woods." My hubby gave Bri a lesson on guns, black powder, and such.

    I got a book called Pioneer Days. It is based on 1843. There are projects for all seasons. You make a clay spongeware vase, dry flowers, etc You can get it on Christian Bookstore. I gave about 10.00 for it.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Haha! Jackie, Josiah is just too funny! Love his 'peg-leg' look!

    Loving the photograph of Hailey brushing your Dads moustache!

    Wonderfully fun post!

  5. Your dad is classic! LOVE the stache. And your kids are always.

  6. Great pictures! They are so adorable!

    Neat library :-) Have a wonderful day!


  7. Love the pics. So cute. Piglet had on his boots with shorts this weekend - talk about fashion shock!



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