Sunday, March 27, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request

Mason, the only child of a dear college friend of mine (we were bridesmaids in each others weddings) is seriously battling cancer. He was diagnosed just before his 7th birthday this last December. Even though we live far apart, we've always managed to keep up through email, Christmas cards and now Facebook. Having a seven year old son as well (both our boys are redheads), my mother's heart is broken for what my friend must be going through. I'm so thankful she is a believer and open to what God is teaching her through this trial. When we are weak, HE is strong! 

I'm asking for urgent prayer requests for Mason. Tomorrow (Monday), they are praying his white count will be high enough to do a very complicated surgery, removing the tumor that is near his bladder. You can read his story and follow his progress at this website: Also, please pray for my friend, Amy, and her husband, Morgan. I'm sure they are constantly fighting fear as they walk through this together. I can't imagine having to watch my child suffer like that. I'm praying God will sustain them and give them a peace that passes ALL understanding.

I was in church this morning and every praise song we sang, seemed to relate to this situation. The song that stood out the most was:

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave. 


Thanks ahead of time for your prayers for Mason and His family. God bless you for caring about this precious little boy.

In Christ,

Update from his mom:
"Surgery was cancelled due to Mason's extremely low white blood count and ANC.  UGH!  He completed the three day food restriction, got his port accessed, a feeding tube placed and then BOOM!  No surgery!  
We were all bummed.  It is so hard to get yourself pumped up and ready for something like a huge surgery, only to have it postponed.  We opted to leave the feeding tube in as we can supplement Mason with (yucky) boost drinks and he won't have to taste it!  He can also get his medication through his tube and not have to taste that either! A bonus.
Mason will not be able to go to the big Bowl-A-Thon tomorrow night.  Again, counts are too low and he is at risk for illness and infections.  The only plan we have right now is to get Mason's counts re-checked on Wednesday or Thursday of this week and go from there.
Please pray that Mason's counts come up, he doesn't get sick, and somehow this brave 7 year old can process all that has happened with a positive attitude.  I think his parents may need that last prayer said for them too :)  We love you and thank you for sticking with us through the highs and lows!"


  1. Praying! Cancer is such a scary heartbreaking. A dear friend of mine lost her son this past year to cancer. Praying for your friend's son, and his family.

  2. I could do it, but I need you to get me the picture and what you want it to say on it.

  3. I'll pray, Jacki. My husband lost his sister to cancer when they were very young.

    I have a friend who wasn't given more than a few months to live but now she's beat those odds. She has lived about 3 years more and is still alive and doing well. She gives Jesus the glory for her health.

    Mrs. A

  4. Hi Jackie, Does this little boy live in Albany or near Albany? His picture looks familiar! Recently our local paper ran a story on him and another boy. It was a wonderful story and Santiam Christian high school did a great fundraiser for him. He has been in our prayers for a few months!

  5. I will pray for them all Jackie. That is so scary, I cannot imagine what they are feeling. Praying what God promises - peace beyond understanding.


  6. Susan,
    Yes! It is the same little boy. So glad you've been praying for him and the other little boy!

    Thank you so much for making the button for me!

    Everyone else,
    Thanks for you prayers! They mean the world :)

  7. Bless his little heart...this is such a sad situation! I will keep this sweet child and his family in my prayers!

  8. Praying they feel God's peace, which surpasses all understanding ... and that they are drawn closer to Him in every step of this battle.

  9. Praying! One of our neighbor girls, who is also seven, is battling cancer right now. So hard.

  10. Amy, Morgan and Mason,
    Keep your heads held high! We are all praying for your entire family.

    Shannon Casey Johnson

  11. Please check out this web site on alternative cancer healing....www dot hacres dot com. (I've typed the web site address out this way to avoid spam).

    Shalom In Messiah

    ps Thanks for checking out my blog and leaving a comment. And please let me know how your getting on with your Daniel and Revelation studies.

  12. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with Mason and his family! Bless his heart.

  13. Aw, of course I'll pray for Mason! I have a list of precious people to pray for everyday, and praise God, two of them were healed!


    Lord Jesus, touch Mason...even now...

  14. I can't imagine. I just put his button on my blog. I will continue to pray for this little guy. He looks just like his mom.

  15. Thanks for the recipe, Jackie; and I'm praying fervently!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!