Friday, June 17, 2011

16th Anniversary - A Tribute to My Husband

This picture was taken at the Agate Mines overlooking the Alvord Desert Floor a few years ago.  We love to vacation there and ride dirt bikes.
I thank God for giving you to me. He knew I would need a rock like you to help keep me grounded. He knew I would need your common sense when my brain gets so cluttered that I can't think straight. You are patient when I'm not. You help me see things in the kids that I don't necessarily pick up because I'm with them all the time. You're frugality keeps my loose spending in check. Even though we are so different in temperament, personality and needs, we really compliment each other in the important things. Thank you for supporting me 100% with homeschooling the kids. You're the most handsome Principle ever!

I'm so grateful for your sense of adventure. I LOVE that you like to window shop and go to festivals and events as a family. I also appreciate all the things we like to do together, like fishing, riding dirt bikes, camping and sharing your motorcycle (someday we'll get your Springer). I'm so grateful that you love history as much as I do and are willing to go to any and every museum we can find.

Most of all, my love, I'm thankful that your relationship with the Lord has taken off in the last 6 months. It is exciting to see you claiming it for your own and truly becoming the spiritual leader of our home. I love watching you teach our kids the things of God. I love that WE can discuss the Word of God together in a whole new way. There is nothing sexier than a man reading his bible!

Even though the last couple of years have been the hardest of our marriage as we've learned to accept our differences and disappointments with each other, I feel stronger as a couple. I feel like we have been through the "Refiner's fire" and have come out the other side with more faith than ever, confident we will finish the race as we stand firm on the promises of God. I appreciate every year God gives us together. Happy 16th Anniversary to my husband, friend, lover and life partner. Love you more than you'll ever know!  

Your Loving, Blessed Wife,

Sweet Pea


  1. Oh, the progress that man has made in such a short time! I'm so happy for you, Jackie. You are on blessed lady and I know you know that.

    Happy Anniversary to both of you, and Happy Father's Day to my Brother-in-law and friend, Michael.

    Love you both!

  2. This was beautiful my friend. What a lovely tribute to your hubby!!
    Here's to 16 more years and then some!

  3. Happy 16th Anniversary to you both! What a lovely tribute to your man! God is indeed Faithful!

    Many blessings,

  4. Very sweet words Jackie. Happy Anniversary to you guys!


  5. Awwww... What a sweet letter!

    Happy 16th!


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