Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Parents Vow Renewal/25th Wedding Anniversary Party

This is my dad and step-mom, Diana. They were married when I was 11 years old. Can't believe that was 25 years ago! My sister, brother and his wife, Sonya, and I all worked together to coordinate their 25th Wedding Anniversary party last weekend. Thanks to the help of lots of friends and family, we were able to put on a really beautiful vow renewal ceremony as well as a nice reception afterwards. We wanted to do something special for them, but none of us kids have a lot of money right now. Well, let me tell you, God worked every detail out and none of us kids broke our budget. He is so good! 

It was probably the least stressful party I've ever helped put together. the only freak out moment I had was when I bought these flowers and started putting a bouquet together (something I've never done before), the stems and leaves were all moldy. Diana talked me down and helped me strip the leaves and it made a beautiful bouquet for her to hold for the vow renewal ceremony. 

A good family friend, Jeff, did the ceremony. He really played up the school teacher meets cowboy thing. So cute! He had us laughing and  crying. Very meaningful ceremony! One really cool touch, was that we played their old wedding video silently in the background while the guests were waiting for the ceremony to start and then afterwards during the reception. It was fun to see how much everyone had changed :)

The ceremony was wrapped up with some cowboy poetry written and performed by one of their friends, Dwayne. He wrote a poem especially for them. He had us all laughing and nodding. I've got to get a copy of it! 

My nephew, Noah, also provided some comic relief during the ceremony as he snored very loudly through the entire thing. I feel sorry for his wife someday, LOL! What a cutie pie.

My SIL, Sonya (in the above picture), made this beautiful wedding cake. It is only her second cake! It was awesome! Three different flavors (of course German chocolate in the middle for Dad) and edible roses with fresh raspberries and mint leaves on top. My favorite part was the round cake dividers with various photos and their wedding announcement on them. Sonya also used the cake topper from their wedding 25 years ago. Watch out, Sonya! We now know what you're capable of , LOL! You might be getting a lot busier.
My dad is joking about the last time he cut the cake and look what happened to his finger, ha ha ha. He lost his finger on an aluminum saw long before he met Diana ;)

Delicious, simple Cucumber punch. Recipe: 2 liters of lemon lime soda to 1 can frozen limeade and a sliced up cucumber. Everyone seems to like this recipe, even people who hate cucumbers! Very elegant looking.

Of course we made them do the traditional wedding toast. What a fun day we all had. Lots of family and friends brought beautiful finger foods so nobody went away hungry. What a blessing to have so many people helping. They have touched a lot of lives over the years and it was neat to see so many people come out to support them. Happy Anniversary, Dad and Diana! Here's to many more! 

Love you guys so much, 


  1. I'm so glad it was a great time. I hated that we couldn't be there this time like we were 25 years ago.

    We've marked out calendar for 50! :)

  2. What a blessing that you were able to do this for them Jackie! I'm sure it meant a lot to them both.

    Love to you!

  3. It all looks so beautiful. 25 years is so long and yet, in some ways passes us by so fast. How wonderful they have spent it together. I'm sure they've had their fair share of ups and downs, but sticking together despite it all is the best blessing of all, not only for them but for the generations who follow as well.

  4. very well said, Ruth!

    Robin, I'm just glad you were there for the first time around.

    Yes, they were blessed, but so were us kids. It was neat to be able to give back just a smidgen of what they deserve.

  5. How very sweet! Looks like everything came together beautifully! Wishing them many more happy years together!


  6. What a fun time for your step-mom and dad. Congratulations to both of them.
    The cake looks beautiful and she did a great job! When we had our 25th anniversary celebration, we had low key as well due to budget but a fun celebration doesn't have to be expensive. Just nice and all the love from family and friends that come makes it very memorable. It was nice of you all to put it on for your loved ones! Hugs!

  7. How beautiful! You all did a lovely job! What a blessing they must feel to have you and Stacie as daughters!

  8. Wait until I finish with this kleenex before I comment, okay? What a special event, Jackie! I loved it.

  9. Yeah great!! I am also planning a vow renewal for my parents and want to give them surprise. I just hope they will like my surprise.

  10. Glad it went so smoothly, apart from the moldy flowers situation (I love how you use the phrase 'talked me down' to describe your reaction)!

  11. Hey!! Lovely anniversary celebrations. Want to have a surprise 25 wedding anniversary for my parents at one of San Francisco event venues. Just looking for few best ideas that will help in making the day really best and memorable.


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