Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yakima Historical Museum

On our way to visit some friends of in Kent, WA, over Memorial Day Weekend, we stopped off at the Yakima Museum to let the kids get out and enjoy some history. What a great homeschool opportunity! They had a awesome museum upstairs and also a neat "hands on" town for the kids to play in downstairs. Perfect place for them to burn some energy AND learn as it was raining hard outside.

This was my favorite exhibit! A whole petrified forest was found in basalt rock in the Yakima Valley that shocked secular scientists and has rocked their thinking. I bet it did! Not shocking to us Creationists though :o) Yet again, scientific evidence has emerged proving the earth really is very young.

Neat old stagecoach.

This sign totally cracked me up! Yakima Valley is famous for growing apples and now wines.

I loved all the neon signs they had hanging from the ceiling of the museum. These were donated from past local businesses. The hands on the lady typing moved. Very eye-catching.

This was another favorite exhibit. Oh, how I wished my sister was with me. She's a real shoe hound and would have LOVED this amazing collection of period shoes going all the way through the last century. Unique was the name of the game. Very interesting collection. I could have spent a lot more time looking, but the kids were hungry.

We had lunch at the museum's old-fashion soda fountain. It was really fun. After sandwiches and hot dogs, we enjoyed root beer floats.

The soda fountain was from a 1930's drugstore located in Yakima. It was moved to the museum and is being used again. These guys were busy! 

We found our newly acquired GPS to be especially helpful on this trip. It was a lot less stressful. After the museum, thanks to the GPS, we were able to easily find the Harley Davidson shop on our way out of town where we found Michael a new ball cap for an early Father's Day present. Then we were off again to Kent, WA to see our friends. More to come on the rest of our vacation...


  1. What a great homeschool opportunity! You guys looked like you had a lot of fun!

    Lol, I had to laugh at the petrified forest...we are learning SO much creation science at the moment! Praise our Creator!

    So envious of your GPS, Jackie...I get lost ALL the time when we travel further afield! Hope that we will be able to purchase one some day!

    Glad you had a great day!

  2. I had no idea there was a museum in Yakima...will have to make sure I make it there sometime. Thanks for the tip.

  3. How wonderful that you had a family vacation Jackie!! Your photos are great! I'm sure the kids enjoyed those root beer fun! Wow...all those shoes...that must have been interesting! And...yes, what a blessing it is to believe the Bible about the age of the earth...everything makes perfect sense through those lenses. :)

    Many blessings to you!

  4. Neat find! That could be a day trip for me and the kiddoes, looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!

  5. Looks like so much fun! History museums are always so interesting to go and see. I'll bet that soda shop was one of the best parts!

  6. We live here just outside of Yakima and I love the Museum and Soda fountain shop. Glad you all had a good time, hope the rest of your travels are great as well. I have yet to make it to the shoe exhibit, it looks fun.

  7. What a lovely way to spend some down time on your trip! You all look very happy, like you enjoyed this stop.


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