Monday, July 18, 2011

4-Wheelin' Fun

Instead of bringing horses to the ranch, we all opted for off-road vehicles this time. We could cover a lot more ground of this 5000 acre ranch. Between all of us, we managed to bring 6 ATVs and one dirt bike. Man, did we have fun and get dirty! The area has some of the deepest pockets of Mt. Mazma ash (resulting from when Crater Lake blew up) I've ever seen. The elk love to wallow in it. We would come back from rides, just covered. 

Michael on our 1970's dirt bike that he restored. It used to be my dad's motorcross racing bike.

My brother, Jerry, with their son, Noah. His wife, Sonya, is behind him, with Uncle Kenny and my Dad bringing up the rear.

Aunt Terry and Uncle Kenny. 

We went on a ride Sunday morning up to a lookout where we could see several elk across the way. My sister is pointing them out.

Taking in the view and the elk. The day before, they saw a herd of 400 elk come off the hill and settle into this area. I was bummed to have missed seeing that!

Partial view of the valley as we were coming in from a ride. You can see the cabin to the left of the picture. Can you see why we love this place?

Another piece of the valley. The wildflowers were in full bloom, a month later than normal. The smell of the wild roses was so wonderful!

Picture of our camp. I'll be posting pictures of the old cookhouse next. 


  1. That is our kind of fun right there my friend!
    Hubby saw the 4-wheelers and was a little jealous. LOL!
    Glad you had fun and I can see why you did.
    Have a great day.

  2. Looks like fun! Great pictures! I just got back from vacation and trying to catch up!


  3. Wow what a fun adventure! Although I must admit to quaking in my boots at the sight of the quad daughter had a really bad accident on one of them two years ago...she was lucky to walk away from it!!

    Glad you all had a great time!

  4. Looks like you are having a great summer! I admit, I have never ridden a 4-wheeler. I like to take long nature walks, instead;-) But, I know my Josiah would love to ride one!


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