Thursday, July 14, 2011

Camping with Family in God's Country

My dad is blessed to be a ranch manager to a man who has several ranches. We were able to camp on 5000 acres of some of the most beautiful land I've ever seen. It is right next to Forest Service land and we were given access to ride ATVs on all the old logging roads around the ranch. The pictures I took don't do justice to the view that we saw. It is impossible to capture it on camera. We had such a great time as we met my dad, stepmom, brother and his family, my sister, Stacie, and her kids and my aunt and uncle. The above picture is of the rustic hunting cabin. It comes with an outhouse and no running water. It does have a propane stove, which is nice for cooking on. Here is most of the crew! 

Josiah with his cousins, Marcus and Josh. Dad would fire up the generator at night for a few minutes and turn some lights on in the cabin, other than that, no electricity. Do these boys look like they care about electricity?

The kids had so much fun playing in the little creek that runs by the cabin. They caught water snakes and fresh water mussels, panned for gold, and used their imaginations. Here is Josiah with is cousin, Jessica, and Aunt Terri. I got them to show off there "mussels". Yep, one even bit Aunt Terri's hand right off, it was so big! Just kidding, it really got caught in a meat grinder when she was a kid. I told her I'd make up a really good story for the blog though, LOL. I love watching how she doesn't ever let one hand stop her from doing anything. She road an ATV on a really rough road(trail) and can even tie her shoes with one hand. She is an inspiration for sure!

Camp from a distance. Our family camped in a tent on the nice flat deck. It was awesome. Very cold at night though. We all froze that first night!  It was so cold there was frost the next morning. We listened to wild turkeys gobbling to each other at night.

Hailey and Josiah enjoying the fire, waiting for their turn to roast marshmallows.

This picture of my nephew, Jacob, cracks me up!

Here is a partial view of the gorgeous valley that the cabin (nestled in on the left) lies in. There are so many awesome logging roads to ride on and of course it is private, so you never have to worry about someone coming at you in the opposite direction. Nobody got hurt and we had a fabulous time riding.
View of the valley looking south of the cabin. I've got more pics to come, so stay tuned...



  1. What a great trip, looks like lots of fun!

  2. WOW that is beautiful land! Looks like you had a fabulous time!

  3. How BEAUTIFUL Jackie! Isn't being outdoors in the LORD's Creation just so wonderful?? I'm so happy for you to have this time of rest and relaxation. But...FROST on the first morning?? And you were in a tent?? Crazy girl. LOL! :)

    Just stopping by for one last visit before I go *offline* for about a month. LORD-willing, I will catch up with you mid-August. Happy Summer!

    With Love,

  4. Wow, what a fantastic place to holiday Jackie!

    Haileys character really does seem to "pop" out of the photographs of her!

    Glad you all had a great time!

  5. I can just imagine what a panoramic view from the cabin must look like. Glad you all had so much fun!


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