Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! Amidst all the barbecues/potlucks and fun, don't forget to contemplate the sacrifice of those who helped create our country and those who are still working to defend it. May God continue to bless America. May America never forget how it was God's providence that created and sustained us through the years we've enjoyed being a nation.

Happy 235th Birthday, America!

God Bless,


  1. Happy 4th to you too! I have been contemplating the sacrfices for our country. I am also grieved at the thought of how we take our liberty for granted and that it may be different someday if we don't change our ways.

    Thank you for the sacrfices that you have made for us as a military family.

    Love you!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and a great week ahead!


  3. I hope you had a wonderful day Jackie! I agree with you...we must never forget the foundation on which our nations were built! It is a fearful thing to watch our nations turn away from our Great God!! Thank you for your encouragement to remember HIM!

    In HIS Love,

  4. Hi Jackie,

    I know you and your family are into museums, so I figure you might want to know this:

    Free Museum Tickets - For 2 People Sept 24 Only Select Museums

    Fill out form, choose museum, wait for e-mail tickets, then print. Enjoy your 2 tickets for the museum on Sept 24th!

    I booked two tickets to
    Yaquina Pacific Railroad Historical Society for my family as my 3 year old boy is a hugh fan of trains!

  5. That is fantastic, Helen. Thanks so much for the link! The museum you picked sounds awesome :)

  6. That`s fantastic!! I really glad to see that post.


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