Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2011 Celtic Festival Fun

We had a fantastic family weekend. The Eastern Oregon Celtic Society did a bang up up job of putting on their first Celtic Festival, complete with Highland Games in our community. We were very impressed at the attendance and the quality of music, vendors and reenacters involved. 

Here we are at the beginning of the day (before it hit 90+ degrees). I was blessed to find Hailey's kilt and my plaid ensemble at a second hand-shop in our town. By the next day, I convinced Michael to get a kilt, too. He is thinking of participating in the Highland Games next year.

Sheep Dog demonstration.

Hailey had the privilege of learning to spin wool with a spinning wheel. She loved it! 

Her spun wool.

Irish wolf hounds. One of them weighed 190 lbs!

Gathering of the Clans. They all went by the announcer stand and each clan was blessed by a priest.

Excellent Irish step dancing group. 

A nice young man let Josiah try on his armor and weapons he uses in medieval tournaments. Josiah thought he was hot stuff!

Of course Hailey had to try it on, too. 

So we had to get Josiah a wooden sword so he could practice.

Of course, Hailey had to have one, too. She'll grow into it. Love this camera angle, so "Lord of the Rings", LOL.

The Confederated Jacobite Clans. They explained the Jacobite history and some of the major battles. They also talked a lot about traditional Highland weaponry and soldiering. Very interesting. These guys must have been roasting!

Firing their muskets. One was a "Brown Bess", 75 caliber. Sounded like a small cannon when it went off.

They demonstrated a "Highland Charge" against some helpless Englishmen.

The Englishmen didn't fair too well.

"Good English brains!" The kids enjoyed eating the "English brains" as well. 

The Jacobites demonstrated how to make a fire with flint and tender. He got it going. My fire bugs were very interested in that.

Common items a soldier would have carried with him.

Hailey and Josiah decided to do their own Highland charge.
They won of course!

We found this festival to be a great homeschool experience. It really got Josiah interested in learning about Scottish history. He wants a Highland themed birthday party this year, so we are working on getting that put together. 

Next I'll be posting on the Highland Games. They were fascinating indeed. Hope you are all having a great week!

God Bless,


  1. What fun! Our family went to a Highland Festival a few years ago and we really enjoyed it too!


  2. Love it! Great pictures, great learning! We go to one in Sept. each year, the girl's enjoy it.

    Have a great week!


  3. How fun!! Looks like you all had a fabulous time! What great photos you got of the day Jackie. :) I especially like the one of Josiah in the armour...too cute! (Don't tell him I said he looked cute...maybe I should have said *fierce*?) LOL!

    Love to you!

  4. That looks like so much fun! Yohn is totally jealous as he likes Celtic things. Love the picture with Hailey and the sword.

  5. Jackie, I LOVE your tartan dress! I have never heard of a Celtic Festival before...

    My husband always laughs that our children are half English scoundrels and half Irish savages!!

    Glad you all had a great day! Josiah really looks the part! ;)

  6. Was the spinner's name Vanessa? I couldn't see her face; my weaving/spinning teacher lives in Troy...just wondering. That looked like SO MUCH fun!!

  7. No idea what her name was, Catherine, sorry! You would have loved the festival!

  8. I really want to do that next year! Let's try to plan on it.

  9. Love the pics! They are so great - I can just see the sword thing with my son too!


  10. That looks like so much fun! We plan to go to the Celtic festival in Atlanta next year. I am excited about it, I didn't even know there was a festival until recently.

  11. This really does look like a blast! I love all of those costumes!


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