Sunday, December 25, 2011

Living Nativity

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful time with friends and family as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. I'm sitting here, waiting for the rest of my family to wake up so we can start all our Christmas traditions. So I decided to write a quick Christmas post instead of pacing the floor! I thought pictures of the Living Nativity that we went to last weekend would work just fine for a Christmas Day post.  The above picture is our family with "Clyde the Camel". He is the coolest camel ever and we love it when he gets to visit Bethlehem!

Josiah petting Clyde.

Each station in Bethlehem gives out a label so you know if you have missed a station. This was the inn keeper.

Hailey quickly found baby Jesus. 

Our friend, Margie, played Mary. She let Hailey "feed" Baby Jesus. The doll really looked like it was drinking from the bottle. I didn't think we were ever going to get Hailey away from the stable!

They made crosses for the kids at the carpenter's shop.

Grinding herbs at the "Apothecary's Shop". Smelling lavender. Hailey wanted to be "Laura" from Little House on the Prairie that night. She is where the sunbonnet I had when I was a girl.

Carding wool.

Weighing out real Roman gold coins. Of course Josiah was trying to wheel and deal to get one it. 

It was wonderful to see our friend Dennis at the potter's wheel again this year. He just got back from another tour in Iraq. So happy his family gets him home for Christmas this year!

Eating bread samples at the bakery.

Hand dipped candles.

I'm sure you can see why we love going to this every year. Not only is it a wonderful homeschooling experience, but it all points to Jesus. All of the people in Bethlehem are abuzz at the news of a the Messiah being born that night. I love the way they talk about Old Testament Prophecy, all pointing to that very special night. 

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas! Thanks to all of you who have left comments and spoken blessings into my life throughout this last year. You encourage me in this life journey so much! I'm taking a bit of a blogging break, but I will see you all in the next year :) 

God Bless,

P.S. Even after writing this post, the kids STILL aren't up, LOL! Now I'll start pacing!


  1. I would have loved to have slept in this morining. My kids were up and at em' at 6:30. Aw well, they had to be patient anyways while we waited for Yohn to finish up some final touches.

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. We slept in a bit today since we decided to go to second service at church. We were with our son and family yesterday afternoon. Met up with them at church at 3PM and the service was great. It touched my heart so much that I had an AHA! moment. I will share later when I get thoughts out of my head! The living nativity is great. Our church did something like that years ago. We even had Roman soldiers on horses! Thanks for sharing and hope you all had Merry Christmas as well! Hugs!

  3. What a delightful tour through the living Nativity, Jackie! Rest up, restore yourself and serve your precious sister well!

  4. What a great experience. Merry day-after-Christmas! I hope you had a good one.

  5. Dear Jackie ~ How wonderful it all looks! What a blessing to be able to experience that year after year! Isn't it amazing to think that the LORD came to live humbly and faithfully for US??? HE lived perfectly and died to pay the penalty for our sins...what a WONDERFUL Saviour we have!!

    MUCH love to you!
    Enjoy your break with your precious famly.


  6. nice post thanks for sharing...blessings soraya

  7. I can tell you went Friday night! We went on Saturday - The carpenter told me he had made 200 of those wooden crosses and gave them all out Friday night! he had no idea there would be so many people.



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