Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful For Family!

This is me with my grandpa who soon turns 90 years old. Not many 90 year old men out there that still farm with horses. I've always felt very loved by my grandpa. He's a character for sure. Stubborn as they come, but loving as they come, too. I was so grateful to get to spend some time with him this Thanksgiving when we spent Thanksgiving break out at the ranch. My Dad and step-mom hosted us and we had a great time. All the cousins had fun playing outside and of course we all did what we do best, EAT, LOL!
This is my brother and his pregnant wife, Sonya, with their toddler, Noah. It was so nice seeing them :) They have been very busy selling trees for a fundraiser for Camp Morrow, a Christian camp out of Pine Hollow, Oregon. I truly admire their dedication.

My grandpa's wife, Regina, was kind enough to give some great back rubs. In this picture she is giving a much-deserved massage to my step-mom, Diana, who works so hard to cook for us. She brings lots of traditional dishes, like "Butterhorns" a tribute to the sweet rolls that her mom always made during the holidays. My six year old nephew, Andrew, bragged that he ate 9 of them, LOL!

Hailey and her cousin, Lily, are thick as thieves now. They are playing much better together now that they are older. They are very similar in personality and like many of the same things, especially dress up! They got those genes, from my twin sis and I. That was our main past time growing up.

My beautiful sister, Stacie, relaxing on the couch while most of the kid were outside riding 4 wheelers with Papa and Michael. She is sitting next to, Pat, who is my other grandpa's wife. We had an enjoyable visit with them as well.

Here is my Grandpa (Pat's husband). It is hard to get him to smile for a picture. This was the best I could do. It was fun visiting with him, too.

Regina and Grandpa having a cuddle moment. She keeps him young and doing what he loves :) She baked a slug of old-fashioned pies for us all to feast on. When you ask my grandpa what his favorite pie is, he will say, "more pie!"

My 13 year old, nephew, Josh, having a "James Dean" moment. He is seriously crackin' me up. 

He is wearing my deceased grandfather's bomber jacket from when he was in the Air Force during Korea, I think. He loves it and never takes it off. I sure hope he doesn't lose it! He thinks he's pretty cool in it, LOL.

Two more of my nephews, Jacob and Marcus, being silly.

On Friday, I got to go visit my sis and we had Thai food for lunch, yum! The we all met up to go to the Starlight Parade. My step-mom kept with tradition and provided hot chocolate, cornbread, chili and left-over turkey noodle soup. 

On Saturday we spent most of the day visiting Michael's best friend, Tim, and his family. We had a great time cooking s'mores over their shop stove and visiting until we almost lost our voices!

Sunday was very special because we were able to go to church with most of our family. My sister was singing a solo that day, and God used it greatly. There weren't many dry eyes in the place. It is wonderful to see God so active in their church. It has really changed for the better since I was a kid. God was palpably in that place!

So we are home again, and working hard to get caught up. My husband starts his new job on Monday (more details to come in my family Christmas letter)! Can't wait to tell you all about it :)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I look forward to catching up with you soon :)

God Bless,


  1. I just read your post to your granddad, he's grinning at all the pictures. Family is so important to he and I both.

  2. Hi Jackie,so happy you and all the family had a wonderful time together.I love all of the pictures,especially the one of Grandpa and Regina.very nice,all of them.

  3. Good to hear all the fun you had with you family. I need to put up photos of adorable grandchildren from last week. Um..stop by my blog,(monday post) soon, Jackie.

  4. I loved reading that. What a wonderful day you had.

  5. What sweet memories you have created for your family, Jackie! These pictures make me want to have been with you...OH! I was with MY family making wonderful memories and taking fabulous pictures too. I think I'll have to blog now!


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