Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Tea Party

Even though my husband is a macho soldier/hunter/mechanic type, he also has a soft side. He has been wanting to go to tea at the ANZAC Tea Parlor for awhile now as a family, including his mom. I couldn't believe it. My "coffee's gotta be thicker than mud" husband? Yep that is right! I couldn't believe he actually drank tea while we were there. We've been working with the kids and telling them if they could get their manners squared away, we would take them. Well the day finally came. It was do or die. The kids actually did very well. We only had two water glasses spill - a raging success in my book. 

Hailey, showing off her little water glass that was "just her size".

Josiah, adding tea to his sugar.

Sipping tea like a princess.

The cup I always pick.

The kids pretty much only liked the cucumber sandwiches, fruit, cookies and scones. Fine with us adults, because we got the good stuff  - chicken almond poppy seed sandwiches, spinach wraps and quiche puffs. I LOVE their food! I was worried Michael wouldn't get enough to eat, but he seemed full by the time we left. He is BIG eater.

Of course we had to try on some hats before we left. This is always a highlight, since Hailey and I LOVE hats! I'm not sure it is quite my MIL's cup of tea. She really looked cute in this hat. It went with her outfit perfectly.
The owner, Bev, gave the kids candy canes, too.  They were sugared up pretty good before we left. She loved these frogs because they remind her of her Nana who has a thing for frogs. After the tea, we went out to the ranch to visit my dad and step-mom. We had a delightful "mini-Christmas" with them and then back to my sisters for the rest of the week to help take care of her and the kids while she recovered from her tonsillectomy. 

I'm not sure if Josiah and Michael will want to go back to the tea parlor, but I know Hailey and I will be going whenever we get a chance. I was very proud of my men for giving it a try.

Hope you are all having a wonderful week :)



  1. Oh, Jackie, I have fond memories of ANZAC and wish we had something like it here. Your family is adorable!

  2. Great pictures! Looks like a fun time! You know how much my girls and I love tea! Have a wonderful weekend!!


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. How fun! I remember when I'd take the children to the Tudor Rose tea room in Salem, we enjoyed that. Phil went with me a few times, just like being back in England. No hats, though. It's not there any more, which is too bad. Looks like you had a good time! Take care!

  5. What fun! I would be shocked if my hubby would be willing to go to a tea parlor, but who knows...I've never asked him! :)


  6. How fun that you were able to make such a lovely memory together. Your Hailey is really becoming a young lady. And your Josiah a young man! How quickly they grow! Enjoy these precious days. :)

    Many Blessings,

  7. I didn't realize that Kay got to go. How fun! Sounds like the kids did great! I'll have to take Andrew and Jess for their birthdays this year.

    Love you!

  8. What a special time! We have a tea room here that I would like to take the girls…but I like the whole family idea! Glad you a had a wonderful time.


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