Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Meanderings

We've been getting into a comfortable winter routine. Staying home more and getting a lot done in regards to homeschooling. Of course we've had time for some play, too. Last Saturday we had the perfect sledding day with friends. Below is a pic of me and my friend, Jodi, at the end of our journey down the big hill. I was NOT going to let Jodi fall out of that sled, LOL. I think I squeezed her a bit too hard. I went down with Michael and we took a tumble, my thigh landing on the side of his boot. That is what I get for trying to be the "fun wife", LOL. It is one of the worst bruises I've ever had!

We all brought finger foods, hot drinks, roasted sausages and marshmallows around the fire. It was great having a place to warm up after a run down the hill. We got a bunch more snow on Tuesday, but alas it has almost all melted off. I'm so bummed! 
My little darlings, getting ready to go to church. Sun was a shinin' that day! Hailey wanted a red union suit like her brother. This was the smallest one we could find. It practically hangs to her knees. She's got a lot of room to grow, but the important thing is that she loves it.

A couple of weekends ago we went over to visit my mom and go ice skating with my niece who was visiting her. Josiah and Jessica had a great time trying to play hockey. Josiah did much better on with his skating this time. I think a little competition was good for him.

I'm REALLY loving my 100% silicone Demarle products. It is joy to do muffins now. They aren't as crumbly and they don't ever stick. I made these individual quiches and they came out perfectly. Even egg doesn't stick!

I also love my Roul Pat. I'm not dreading doing shape cookies with the kids anymore. It doesn't stick, even when the dough warms up. 

Here are our gingerbread cookies I cooked on the flexipat pans. I just have to watch it because it cooks a lot faster than the stoneware I'm used to using.

Josiah made a Scottish warrior out of 
Benderoons on his bedroom door. I love the spike on the shield and the Lamont (our clan) tartan. So cute! He even has the Sgian Dubh knife in his boot and the feather in his hat. Since this, he made a whole battle scene on his door. He is such a warrior in the making!

Have a great week everyone! Blessings, Jackie


  1. What great pictures of the kids!
    Our snow is slowly melting here...I wish that it has lasted a little longer, maybe next time! :)


  2. What fun you are having, Jackie. I love the sledding, roasting sausages part of your outing!

  3. Oh how I miss sledding and a few other things about the snow. But, I do not miss driving in it!

    Looks like you had soooo much fun!

  4. passing by to remind you of my valentine giveaway..if you like to participate just leave a comment and let me now friday night i will choose a winner and saturday will be sending the giveaway little too early but it takes a week to arrived..hope you can read about it on my blog...god bless you...loves soraya


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