Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Family Scripture Board

Scripture Memorization. It is something I've never been good at. Unless it is in a song, I tend to not remember it very well, OR I remember parts of it, but rarely the address. I've decided it is no longer an excuse and we are going to start memorizing scripture as a family. I'm taking baby steps. I won this gorgeous old window frame with a blackboard in the center at a silent auction when we attended the Burn's Night Supper a few weeks back. I knew it would be perfect for what I had in mind.

I had to move another picture off the the living room wall and hang it in its place. Thomas Kincaid move over! I wanted it to be in a visible location, where the whole family could see it. I'm letting the kids help me pick a verse and then when we get it memorized, we'll pick another verse. This is really helping! Especially the verse above. If I get even one word wrong, I will hear about it from Hailey especially. She loves memorizing scripture! We also try to pick a verse around a topic we might be struggling with as a family.   

Not only is this a beautiful part of our living room decor now, I know it is benefiting us as a family as we learn God's Word together. We want to hide God's Word in our heart so we won't sin against Him. That is our goal. We aren't perfect. We make mistakes everyday, but we are so grateful for a loving Savior who forgives and extends the grace we so desperately need.  We appreciate the chance to be able to start over again, leaning on the power of His Spirit instead of our own weak flesh. I praise God for the fact that when we are weak, HE IS STRONG! 

How about you? I would love to hear creative ways your family memorizes scripture.

God Bless,


  1. What a beautiful way to display Scripture and a great way to aid in memorization. I admit I don't do any memorizing at this point in my life but I can still recall hundreds of verses learned as a child. Your children will never forget the verses they are memorizing now.

  2. We do the same thing! I have a big old picture frame painted up and with a chalkboard in the middle. We memorize a verse each week.

  3. What a great idea! I have thought of printing out verses and hanging them on our everyone uses that everyday! :)


  4. Hurray for you! Also a very provocative verse to learn .. it has instant application which helps the child to understand. I always did memory cards which is not near as much fun as this chalkboard.

  5. That's my girl! You are such an inspiration for me, friend!

  6. This is beautiful!

    Wanted to let you know I now have a "like" page on Facebook. If you'd like to connect there my link is

    With google making changes tomorrow I don't want to lose contacts. :-) Have a great night!


  7. I love this idea! I tried framing the chapter we were memorizing, but the words were too small when sitting in the room. Doing one verse at a time would work much better.

    Praying for your family often and with fervency.

  8. I love the blackboard! We've been trying to memorize scripture, too, and I have the same issues as you. My 9-year-old is beating the socks off me, and even my 3-year-old is remembering parts. We started with verses printed out and hung on the kitchen cabinets. Right now, we're trying to learn all of Psalm 1, and we read it from our Bibles, and have started making copy "books" of it, with illustrations. Writing things down usually helps me to remember them, anyway.

  9. This will bless all who enter your home ;).

  10. I L.O.V.E. this idea Jackie! How great is that?? Right there in your living room in a place of honour. So wonderful! And, yes...the young ones DO keep us on track, don't they? :)


  11. I love the board - and the scripture!


  12. I love this idea! What a great way to strengthen our whole family's knowledge of scripture.

    I am loving your blog, too...I share your love of all things homemade and also hope someday to have a small piece of land to live on and grow things. :)

    Grace and peace to you!


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