Monday, March 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Fun

We were supposed to go to the "Wee Bit O' Ireland Festival" in Heppner, OR this year, but the weather was chilly and the kids and I were fighting mild colds, so we decided we better stay home and do a low-key St. Patrick's Day celebration. We let Josiah cook breakfast this year. He loves to fry eggs, so he made us fried eggs with sausage and toast. He taped our names to each plate. It was so cute! Usually I make avocado pancakes, but this was good, too.

I took the opportunity to give my family some gifts. I gave Michael a new belt buckle for his kilt and the movie "Courageous". Josiah and Hailey got the Jonathan Park Volume III cd series, The newest Torchlighter DVD about William Booth (founder of the Salvation Army), a children's book about the true story of St. Patrick and kilt socks and sock flashes. We also got Josiah a kilt belt with a thistle buckle.  Can you tell my love language is gift giving? I have to be careful because I can overdo it so easily. That is why God gave me a man who's love language IS NOT gift giving, LOL. Keeps me in check ;o)
We have some good friends who celebrate St. Patrick's Day, too. So we called them up at the last minute and asked if we could bring over a corned beef and have a little celebration. We all dressed up (except, Kay - she's German, but we're working on her ;) and celebrated our Scotch-Irish heritage. Our friend, Billy, got us all some root beer to go with our corned beef and cabbage. We had some delicious potato soup with it, too. Billy put his shamrock plant in the middle of the table for decoration. It was perfect! We laughed and joked and had a great time. 

Here is a picture with both our friends, Billy and Kay. We are so blessed to know these guys. We've been friends for about 16 years now. We have our men and women's bible studies at their house. It is such a blessing. They are just awesome people and we are blessed to know them. 

When we came home we found a neat movie called "Saint Patrick: The Irish Legend". It was based on his personal writings. He was Ireland's "Paul" in my opinion. Just made me love the man that much more. He wasn't afraid of the church or anyone, he just bravely did what God called him to do. I want to be like that. Just doing what God wants me to do without question and with full peace of mind, despite the circumstances, resisting those voices around me who tell me to do otherwise. 

Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day!

God Bless, Jackie


  1. What a fun Mom you are!

    And yippee for a boy who can cook breakfast!! Run with it Jackie!! :)


  2. Oh, I love that, you look so cute!

  3. You all look great in your Irish attire! So glad you had some time with special friends.

  4. Looks like a lovely celebration!
    Have a wonderful week!


  5. Great pictures of a great time together, Jackie! I am feeling like a Patrick/Paul these days with the obedience in going where I'm the Philippines. It is HUGE!And I am just doing it, one step in front of the other, one at a time. Yikes!!

  6. Breakfast is cute! What a great time! Yes, St Patrick is not about green beer and getting drunk, it is about a mand of God and what he did!


  7. Just wanted to stop back by and tell you I have a blog award for you. Stop by when you can!


  8. Looks like you guys had a great time with some very special people!


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