Wednesday, April 18, 2012

House For Sale - Huge Life Changes Ahead

We did it! We put our house on the market and just as soon as it sells, we will be moving 50 miles closer to my husband's job. My husband's job is an hour and half away now and it is just too far to commute. We needed to reduce the commute by an hour. We are moving to the other side of the mountain range. 

My feelings are so bitter sweet, but I know God will bless us. We've lived in this community for nearly 17 years (our entire married life!). We are hoping to fulfill our homesteading dream! We will be looking for a few acres just on the outskirts of the new town. 

This was a very sudden decision, but we know it is the right one without a doubt. Seeing Michael in the evenings is more important than a house or even a beloved community. I know God will bless us with many friends in the new town we are going to. I know he will provide a good homeschool support network, plus we are close enough to sometimes join in with our current homeschool group's activities. So we will have the best of both worlds!
At first Josiah was really sad. It took about 3 days for it to really process, but when we told him we would try to find a place where we could have animals, he started getting excited about it. Another plus is that my mom and step-dad live in that town. It will be so nice to have family around, especially with if my husband gets deployed again. We are closer to most of our family now, which is exciting! 

Please pray our house sells exactly when it is supposed to. Please pray the right house/acreage will come available at the same time we sell our house and that it will be in our price range. We are blessed to be able to live with my parents after our house sells if we need a place to go before we get into another house. The military is moving us, so that is another thing to be thankful for. 

The other really hard decision we had to make was quitting my in-home job entering doing soil data entry. Today was my last day. It is difficult to say good-by to a 15 year career, but it has served me well and enabled me to be a stay-at-home homeschooling mom when times were tough financially. I will be homeschooling Hailey next year in addition to Josiah and will need the whole day to do so. I know that having a degree in Soil Science will continue to benefit me as I homeschool my children, so I refuse to look at it as "giving up on my career". I'm just going to use it for my next career as a homeschool mom! Who knows how God will continue to use it even after my children are grown and gone. I'm giving it to Him. He knows the plan!

So just after we made the decision to move and sell our house, I asked the Lord to confirm our decision. He led me to Psalm 107:6-9:

"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way until they reached a city to dwell in. Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."

The verse I underlined is now on my scripture board and whenever I start getting overwhelmed or scared, I look to that verse and know that He will give us good things if we obey. It is hard to leave the home we just remodeled and harder still to leave such beloved friends who truly have become family. However, we know that God asks us to get out of our comfort zones now and again for our own good, but more importantly for His Glory! 

God Bless,


  1. How exciting...I am sure the kids will enjoy having a new home where they can have critters! :)
    Praying for your family!


  2. That previous comment was from me. Don't know why it came up as anonymous.

  3. Gargh,... now my first comment is gone. :)

    I am sure you won't regret this decision. Will you guys be closer to my town?

  4. This is a huge decision. You will always look back on it as one of the biggest choices you have made. I know God will continue to guide you!

  5. Yes! Robin - 50 miles closer :)

    Thanks for your encouraging words everyone!

  6. Oh, I hope everything works out! Nice not to have to commute so much.

  7. The LORD is with HIS people wherever they are. What a blessing to know that HE is the ONE Who leads us so gently along. I will pray for you my friend.

    With Much love,

  8. I hope your house sells soon for a good price. Your home renovation can be a bonus to the sale, I'd think. Hey, you are moving closer to me and so maybe you and your sis and me can get together for tea sometime....who knows? Will be praying for you all as it's exciting and scary at the same time! :h)

  9. What an exciting time for you all. I know the Lord will guide and direct you through this whole process. He did for us.
    Can't wait to hear more as it unfolds.
    Have a blessed day.

  10. Praying your house sells quickly and that God will direct you to just the right place! It is tough living so far from your husbands work...we are living that now with a 1 1/2 to 3 hour commute depending on the day and time. Can't wait to see how the Lord blesses your family!

  11. I have prayed as you requested ~ may the Lord answer. Who knows what God will have in store for you and your family in this new place! Blessings.

  12. Jackie,

    I will pray that your house sells quickly and you get the perfect new land/house!

    Don't be sad about giving up the making money job. I have worked on and off, changing my hours and days as my homeschool/husband's job has changed. Each and every school year it has been exactly like God wanted, even when at times it seems like it is not going to wrok.



  13. Hey! I think you are getting farther from's okay though. I'll forgive you. lol! I hope all goes well. I'm sure it will. It's always an anxiety-riddled time, selling, moving, buying. But, I'm sure you and the fam will continue to see all the fun and exciting blessings in all of it. Luv ya! Tamra

  14. So excited for you! I pray that things move quickly and that you and your family will be able to settle in a start this new chapter of your life together :)

  15. AHHHH! New adventures are waiting! I'm praying for you!

  16. Oh Miss Jackie, my prayers are with ya sweetie!!! This is a big step for ya'll but it'll be a grand adventure.

    Prayin' that you will find the perfect home for your family to enjoy both homeschoolin' and critters!!!

    Prayin' that your home will move quickly for ya. How great is it that your gonna have more time with your dear hubby and time schoolin' the youngens!!!

    God bless and have an enjoyable day my friend!!! :o)

  17. Thank you all! I so appreciate you prayers. We continue to wait on God's perfect timing!

  18. What exciting times are in store for you all both with the move and with being a full time homeschool mom!


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