Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Miracle Friends

This is my friend and bridesmaid, Amy. We don't get to see each other often, in fact, it had been eight years since we last visited in person. So much has happened in those years. A year and a half ago, they found out their only son (just turning seven years old at the time) had cancer. Even though I hadn't met Mason, I had such an overwhelming desire to pray him and his family through their terrible situation. My children joined in. Thousands of people around the world, including many of you, prayed for this young man and he is currently a walking miracle. God is so good!

It was so neat that our children were finally able to meet the boy they had been praying for and see how God had healed him. It was like the redhead club! Seems like there is always an instant connection when it comes to redheads, LOL. Even though Mason is still struggling with nerve damage to his foot, it isn't stopping him from riding his bike, playing ball and wrestling. His attitude is amazing! We can all learn from not only Mason, but his awesome parents, too, who have endured so much uncertainty.

By the end of the visit, I think both boys were lamenting the fact that they lived so far away. We had a lovely dinner and a wonderful visit. We will continue to pray Mason stays cancer free and God will completely heal the nerve damage in his leg/foot. Thanks again to all of you who have prayed for this young man all last year. I wanted to show you how great he is doing!

God Bless,


  1. How very uplifting to see this boy on the mend. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful post my friend! How Great our God is!! I'm so glad you had that special time to visit with your friend...what a blessing! And, yes, children are so very quick to connect with new precious! :)


  3. What a wonderful praise report! Friend time is special as well! The boys are so cute together.

  4. If you have skype they can connect on a regular basis! It's not the same as face to face, but it is better than nothing! We use it a couple times a week to stay in touch with our daughter and her family in Montana. Our granddaughter Trena had no "stranger" issues when was there in Feb....I think mostly due to skyping regularly.

  5. Praise the Lord! Mason looks so much like his mama!

    God is good!


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