Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homecoming/Cute Cousins

This is going to be kind of an eclectic post of some more happenings this last weekend. It was Dufur's homecoming and since my dad and step mom are Dufurites, we met them at the volleyball/football games on Friday night. It was the first time the kids have ever seen any high school sports. They did better than I thought they would. In this picture they are sitting on Dad's lap just taking it all in.

The next day we went "downtown" to the small town homecoming parade. They had a story book theme going. It was great. Diana's 2nd grade class was Wild something or other. I can't read the banner in this picture. It was cute! Diana is the one waving. The kids got an enormous amount of candy that we are mostly going to give to some an African church we help support in Kenya. Since we try to do as little refined sugar as possible, at parades and such, I tell the kids they can pick out five of their favorite pieces and the rest goes to Kenya. Works great for us.

Here's a picture of Hailey holding her cousin Lily. She just loves holding her and petting her hair. Lily is simply delectable!

Here's the other cutie pie of the family, Noah. My brother, Jerry and his wife Sonya, have the such a little sweetie. I could seriously take this kid home. Do you think they would notice? Josiah asked to hold Noah in a rare moment of actually holding still. He was so cute with him. Noah looks a lot like Josiah when he was a baby, only Noah has more baby fat on him than Josiah did. He even has some red in his peach fuzz. That's our boy! Fits right into the family. Just had to show my newest niece and nephew off a little. Stay tuned, got more pictures of this weekend comin'!
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  1. Jackie,

    The children are absolutely adorable! Yours and theirs! How fun the parade looked. We are not real sports people, but everytime fall rolls around I remember my days going to high school football games and think, "I'd like to just go back and a crisp night and sit in the stands and watch one." Unfortuately, I never understand all the rules for football...but I do know what a TD means!!! Hope you have a blessed rest of the week!

  2. Families are so precious. Fun to see the pics and all the little cuties!

  3. I love small town parades and celebrations. I took Olivia to a volleyball game the other night - it was a big high school, but it still brought back memories!

    Thanks for checking out my blog - I'm excited to be posting again!

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