Friday, January 9, 2009

Blessing at the End of a Hard Week

I just had to write and tell you all about the blessing we just received. It has been a really difficult week and God knew we really needed some encouragement. We didn't think we'd be able to go on a vacation this year, but God had other ideas.

I just got a phone call from some good friends of ours (we love you Rick and Mindy!) and they invited us to go to a super nice resort called Sunriver outside of Bend, OR. They've rented a huge house or condo and invited us and another couple they know who has kids to stay with them for four days. Rick is about to go back to Iraq and it is Mindy's birthday, so they wanted to do one last big thing together. Their kids are about the same ages as ours, so I know they'll have a blast playing together. The timing is amazing as it comes right at the end of finals, and not on a drill weekend. I can't tell you how excited we are! After finding out the Subaru needs $1700 worth of repairs, Michael missing two and a half days of classes due to jury duty, finding out our home computer has a severe virus on it and has to be in the shop even longer, we really needed this! God is so good. I just had to share. I pray that if you are having a hard week, that you'll keep praying. I know God will show you he's still in control and has your best interests at heart.

P.S. I'm able to check my email on my work computer, so if anyone needs to email me, I'm able to reply now.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun trip!!! It's so nice having close friends that you can do things with as a whole family.


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