Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! We just back from a week of visiting immediate family in Dufur, The Dalles, Hood River and Pendleton. Unfortunately, a day after we got there, my back went into severe spasm. After three massages and some muscle relaxers, 8 days later, it finally released. If I was going to be incapacitated, I guess it was the best week for it, since I had Michael with me and lots of family to help with the kids. I didn't get to do anything, but I guess God knows how to get me to take it easy. I must have needed the rest.

My home computer is in the shop getting fixed and more memory added. I don't have email right now, so I apologize to those who may have emailed me and didn't get a response. I'm posting this using my work computer. My boss is so awesome! As soon as I get my desk top back, I'll post some Christmas pictures.

I've got a praise report. The learning therapy Michael is doing is really paying off. He got three B(s) and a C (in Agrostology - tough class!). I'm so proud of him. He started Winter term this week. He's taking 19 credits, doing the Guard thing and has jury duty, so he'll be busy for the next 3 months. He's starting to try to get a job lined up for when he graduates in June, so please pray for us! We still have no clue where we are going to end up.

I've started homeschooling Josiah again after a little break through the holidays. I just got done helping him organize and purge his room to make room for all the new toys he got for Christmas. He had a great Christmas and I'm really pleased that he seemed to understand that giving was more important than getting.

Hailey cut four eye teeth during Christmas and was a miserable little thing. As soon as they came through about 5 days after Christmas, she was fine again.

As for me, I'm back to working 3 hours a day, now that my back is better. I'm trying to get back into the swing of cooking, cleaning, helping Michael with the learning therapy stuff and homeschooling again. Tomorrow is cheese-making day, so I'll have to be careful with my back.

Well, that is about it. Hope you all had a Happy New Year!

God Bless


  1. Thanks for the update! Can't wait till your get your computer back and we can do the webcam thing!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your back - but it did sound like good timing for it (if there is such a thing) :}
    Happy New Year to you guys!

  3. What a big bumer about your back! I'm glad it's better now! I saw Hailey pushing Jacob on Stacie's blog. Sooooo CUTE!! She's a gorgeous girl!


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