Friday, March 27, 2009

Ice Cave Room

We stayed in the "Fire and Ice" room the second night we were at the Anniversary Inn. It was so cute! It was like walking into an ice cave. The bed was gel-filled and super comfy, with lots of gorgeous pillows. There was even a faux polar bear rug on the bed.
The is the view from the bed, looking back towards the door. They had the cutest faux flame lanterns and "fire" pit with a huge bean bag. The pictures don't do it justice. The lighting in these rooms is amazing! Very romantic, with awesome music playing in the background.

Of course the best part was the huge jacuzzi tub, with another shower head coming right out of the ceiling. You really felt like you were in an ice cave.

This is the view from the door. You can't see it, but right in front of the bed is a big screen TV with a faux fireplace below it, tucked away in the "ice"

Here is the sink, and the toilet is hidden behind the door. There was a penguin in the "cave" to the left sitting on top of a fridge containing cheesecake. We had breakfast in bed the next morning. What a life!
If we ever get to go back we are going to try the "Hollywood Romance" room, "Sleeping Beauty's Castle" or the "Caribbean Island" room.
It was such a blessing! Just what we needed. The kids did great with Michael's mom and we were able to go to a ton of museums around Boise, which is so much more relaxing without little ones. Although, we were scouting out fun things to do with the kids should get the opportunity to take a mini-vacation with them sometime.


  1. Wow, Jackie! This place looks awesome! I'm going to look it up and check it out some more.

  2. This is so cool! I had NO idea that was in Boise! LOVE the rooms! Looks like you two had a great time! We did enjoy the Boise Zoo with our kids and Boise Children's Museum. Both were do-able with the ages of your kids and not overwhelming at all. Congrats on the fantastic weekend!


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