Friday, March 27, 2009

"Where Art Thou, Romeo?"

We just got back from a very romantic weekend at the Anniversary Inn in Boise, ID. Wow! I was amazed at the hotel. They are all themed rooms and just so much fun. We got a great deal on two nights stay. The first night was in the Romeo and Juliet room. Michael surprised me and ordered rose petals to be scattered up the staircase to the balcony where the bed was located. It was so sweet! I love all things Renaissance!

Here I am calling for my love!

The steps came down to this beautiful sight! You can't see it in the picture very well but there is a "waterfall" shower coming out of the ceiling, big enough for two people to stand under it. The water filled a hug jacuzzi tub. There was cheesecake and iced sparkling cider in the room as well as breakfast served in your room in the morning. Wow, did I feel spoiled! Michael and I haven't had a weekend away without the kids since he came home on leave when he was serving in Iraq (2005).


  1. How beautiful a place, and how special a time! It's so great that you got that time just for a hubby and wifey!

  2. Wow! That is amazing! What did the bed look like?

  3. Wow, how awesome!!! You look so pretty too...this looks like so much fun! Definitely something hubby & I would LOVE (esp ME) :)

  4. The bed was in the balcony. It was a king-sized bed with some pretty throw pillows and a fabric headboard. The big-screened TV was a hidden projector that projected the movie on the wall with surround sound, so you could lay in bed and comfortably watch a movie.


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