Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pendleton Underground Tours Field Trip

I put together (with the help of my mom) some free Pendleton Underground Tours for our local Christian homeschoolers group. We had so many families want to come that we asked the PUT if we could do two more tours next week. Mom took one tour and I took the other. I was a little rusty as I hadn't done a PUT tour in about 15 years, when I worked for them when I was going to college in Pendleton. It was the most fun job I've ever had! It was really amazing that PUT let us do these tours because normally they don't allow small children. Because Mom and I did the tours for free, they were willing to let us take the small kids. We also had the freedom of skipping the bordello and the opium den as these topics would be little much for the age group we had.
This first picture is of Mom kicking the tour off to a good start.

We know what to do with rowdy homeschooled children! Just kidding, they did great and asked lots of good questions. Here's my tour in the Chinese jail.

I got a picture of my group (the Fagers and the Rickers) standing in front of the Chinese living quarters. I love the picture of the Fager's oldest child giving Jenni a kiss. How sweet!

After the tour we had a picnic in one of the parks between PUT and Pendleton Woolen Mills. Thank goodness the weather held out. We let the kids play for a good hour then we were off to the Woolen Mills for another tour!

Not everyone was able to stay for the Pendleton Woolen Mill tour, but we still had a good group. Again, the kids did terrific and everyone learned more Pendleton history and why Pendleton wool blankets are so darned expensive. It was fascinating watching the machines make wool thread and weave the blankets. A great time was had by all and Mom and I are looking forward to doing it all over again next week with the second group!


  1. What a great idea. Sounds like you did a great job.

  2. Great post! I have to admit that I've never done an underground tour but they would be fascinating!! I am totally into history:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  3. How fun! We've always wanted to do that tour.

  4. The Underground one. We did the woolen mill when we first moved out here.

  5. Hello! We just moved to the area and have a homestead not too far from Pendleton. We homeschool and have a BIG family. Would you be able to tell me if there are other Larger families homeschooling in the area? We spoke with someone in the homeschooling group before coming here and it was mentioned that there are not alot of highschool aged homeschoolers either. Thank you!

    mom to 9 great kids.

  6. Hi Jamie! We have not moved over to Pendleton yet as our house still hasn't sold. We are also wanting to get a little homestead outside of Pendleton. I so hope we can meet when we get moved over there! I've heard there is a homeschool group over there, but I don't have any contacts yet. If you found out who to contact, please let me know and I will do the same for you. I'm a big believer in homeschool support groups. The one hear has kept me sane these past 4 years! Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Gives me hope that I will find other homeschoolers to connect with when we move. God bless, Jackie


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!