Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's Raining and We've Got Eight Kids in the House!

I had a wonderful weekend with my sister and and her 6 kids. With my two, that made a total of 8 kids. It rained almost the entire weekend, so they were inside most of the time. They did really well despite being cooped up. A few squabbles, but not too bad. I decided to make it easier on myself this time and used some of my pre-prepared freezer meal that I make ahead of time. It was really nice not to spend most of the time in the kitchen. Sleeping arrangements were interesting. It is so hard to get the kids to go to sleep when they are all 10 and younger. The second night is always easier because they are so exhausted from not getting enough sleep the first night.
Stacie and I watched a two-disc movie from Netflix called "Dinner of Herbs". It was really good and had me interested the whole time. Very intriguing. We didn't stay up too late talking this time although we did have a giggling fit one night (I can't believe we didn't wake the baby) when she told me a forgotten story about her first job at a hamburger joint where they left her alone to cook and she had no idea what she was doing. They hadn't taught her a thing. She actually put some one's hot dog in the deep fryer. I can't imagine what that customer must have thought! We usually get a good case of the giggles at least once when we're together.
Michael got home that Sunday night from drill. They slept out in the rain one night at Gowen Field. I felt bad for him, but he's always such a trooper. Hailey really missed her daddy and wouldn't let him out of her sight once he got home tonight. She just loves him! Josiah is pretty used to his absences, so it doesn't bother him too much, especially if it is just a weekend that he's gone.
Well, I better get to bed as I have another busy day tomorrow in Pendleton. I'm looking forward to doing the Pendleton trip again with the second batch of homeschooling families. Hopefully, I'll remember to take some pictures.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. Ahhh so you had a cousins visit too. I am glad they didn't come this weekend, all my kids had gastro. Lots of gross things happening all aound my house.

  2. 8 kids in the house!! Whew! I think I would not handle that very well.

    Thanks for your prayers for my Dad. It is really scary for me, and I feel so helpless, although I know if I was there with my folks, there still wouldn't be anything I can do. All I can do is to continue to pray that he will get better. My Mom said he can't come home until he is stable, which is understandable.

    Thanks again!!!

  3. We had a good time and the kids did VERY well for being cooped up into the house!

    Thanks again for everything!

  4. Sorry you didn't have luck at Joe's! When I called the store here the bike shop guy knew what I was talking about, and it worked out fine. But when I did go in the store to pick it up the woman at the counter thought I was asking for something really weird!

    Hope you can find one soon!

  5. Feel free to post the Switchel recipe on your blog :)


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