Monday, August 10, 2009

Back from Annual Training

Michael has been gone for 4 weeks between a one week training with the Forest Service and a 3 week annual training for the Oregon National Guard. He came home on Friday evening, but then had drill Saturday and Sunday during the day. We got to see him in snatches, but hey, we aren't complaining. At least we got to see him. The kids went nuts! Michael is such a good dad. He was utterly exhausted, yet he still managed to maul the kids, swing Hailey, target practice with the BB gun with both kids and read and tuck them into bed.
Michael was amazed at the changes in Hailey. She's now potty trained and communicating so much better. She wouldn't let him out of her sight. She wanted him to take her out of her car seat, read her bedtime story, etc. It was hard getting her to go to sleep because she kept crying for him.

As you can see by this picture, even our old wiener dog, Oscar, was happy to see Michael. As for me, these absences always make me appreciate what Michael means to our family even more. He contributes not only to our physical needs, but emotionally as well. Our marriage isn't perfect. We have our struggles just like anybody else, but this I know. God gave me a wonderful gift when he chose Michael to be my husband. He knew exactly what I needed.
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  1. What a sweet picture of your husband reading to Hailey. Cherish that one forever!

  2. Yes I agree the photo of Michael reading to Hailey is just precious.

  3. I have to agree - what a lovely picture of Michael reading to Hailey.

  4. They are all beautiful pictures, Jack. They bring tears to my eyes. Michael is a good dad and a good husband.


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