Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Mother/Daughter Ride

Josiah had a soccer game this last Tuesday and my mom rode her bike over for it. Unfortunately, we had a really bad wind/hail/rain storm that afternoon and they canceled the game. So, since she was already at my house and my MIL , Kay, was there to watch the kids, we finally got to take the mother/daughter ride that we've been trying to plan all summer. It was wonderful! I was a little nervous because I knew she'd be critiquing me -and she was, but that is OK. She's my mom, that is her job. I'm always open to more safety suggestions and how to be a better rider. She's a super cautious rider and I can learn a lot from her. It was so nice to ride with another biker chick and the fact that she's my mom made it even more fun!

My MIL, Kay, was so sweet. I got to go on three rides this weekend while she watched the kids for me. It was so nice having help and great to have some company. Thanks so much, Kay! I even got her signed up with a Facebook account while she was up here. She went home happy because we got some free dill at the farmer's markent and she was able to purchase 30 lbs of pickling cukes to make her famous family pickle recipe.
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  1. How fun! Biking with your mom! That is great! You are both very brave. i do not think that I would want to drive a motorcycle. It is scary enough to me just to ride on the back of one. Glad that you had fun!

  2. That's great you have that in common with your mom - I'm sure it will make for lots of fun times together.

    I have to say I admire your guts with biking. Motorcycles scare me - I rode on one once when I was a teen and never again :) My hubby keeps hinting at wanting one but I'm not sure - both his brothers have them but still.


  3. That's great that the two of you share a common interest. It's always good for bonding times.

  4. More power to the two of you! I'm glad you have bikes in common. She is a safe rider, though and so are you.

    It sounds like you and Kay had a wonderful visit!


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