Thursday, August 20, 2009

(Prt 2) Homeschool Oregon Trail Field Trip Through the Blues

We next traveled from Deadman's Pass to a breathtaking scenic viewpoint just before you get to Emigrant Springs. The kids had a great time catching the abundant grasshoppers, while Beth and I took guesses at the plant life and taught the kids some basic ecology. I really need to get a wildflower ID book. I just love to ID stuff. This picture gives you an idea at how rough the terrain is going over the Blue Mountains.

Next stop was Emigrant Springs. Didn't see any ruts, but they have some great signs and information about the trail and a covered wagon which afforded us a great photo op.
Our next stop is the little known Oregon Trail Interpretive Park at Spring Creek. It is right off the freeway. Great place to have our picnic lunch. The park is split into two sections. There are a bunch of trail heads at the first section along with the picnic area. There was an old logging display that was really interesting.

I just had to throw in this picture of Hailey because she's just so darned cute. I know, I'm prejudice!
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  1. No, you're not just prejudice... She IS CUTE!!

  2. She most definitely is just so darn cute! I agree!

  3. I love the top picture of you and the kids! What a great shot - it really does show the ruggedness of the topography. I love it up there! :}


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