Thursday, August 20, 2009

(Pt 1) Oregon Trail Through the Blues Homeschool Field Trip

Our local Christian homeschooling group went on one more field trip this summer. Originally, I had 7 families who were going to make it, but as the date neared, only one family beside us was actually able to come. Bummer for all of them, because we had a great time. If we are still around next summer, I may do it again.

The Koza and Whitesell families first drove up to the eastbound rest area at Deadman's Pass to look at the Oregon Trail ruts. We walk about a 1/4 of a mile along the trail. Someday, I'd like to take more time and see how far you can walk on that section of the trail before you run into private property.
Hailey wanted to keep up with the other kids so badly. We talked with the kids about how it would have felt to be a kid walking across the country.
My sister says, "Walking were thousands of pioneers walked, gives me goose bumps." I couldn't have said it better.
You can see the beautiful trail through the trees. When the first pioneers got to the Blue Mountains they had to build a road through the thick old growth timber with dulled axes and blistered hands. The timber was so thick that in places you couldn't see a man in front of you more than 10 feet away. The going was extremely tough.
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  1. What a great place to take a home school field trip. That would be cool thinking that you were walking the same trails that the pioneers did. I bet Hailey tried her best to keep up. Looks like they all had a good time.

  2. awesome job explaining everything. It makes me want to go again. Maybe next year?

    Hailey is sooo stinkin' cute!


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