Monday, August 17, 2009

Ritter Hot Springs Birthday Fun

According to my mom, the best thing we could ever do for her birthday is meet up with her at Ritter Hot Springs. The owners are Seventh Day Adventists, so we have to go on a Sunday or during the week. Mom's birthday landed on a Sunday this year and it worked out that we were able to go. The weather was perfect! It was even more fun this year because we brought some motorcycles. The road to Ritter is the perfect motorcycle road, so full of curves and breath-taking scenery. Michael and I tag teamed it with the kids in the Subaru. He road half way there on the Harley, we switched, and I rode the rest of the way. We did the same on the way back. It was nice having the Subaru, so I could surprise Mom with what we deemed was the "ugliest birthday cake on the planet". Seriously, they spelled her name wrong, even after I spelled it out twice for them over the phone. The butterflies looked like something a kid did, and yellow and black? We all had a good laugh over that one. Mom loved her "ugly cake" even more. They brought cold chicken and I brought the makings for taco salads.

My Grandma was able to come, too. Have I said before how much I love that she's living so close by now? We are seeing so much of her. The kids are really getting to know her. She wasn't able to swim, but she laid out in the sun and basked for awhile on the lawn. Here is a picture of us girls (looks like Josiah managed to get in the photo, too).

Here are the guys (with Hailey), sitting on the porch of the old hotel after our swim. The water was perfect! It was so nice having Michael home for an entire weekend after being gone for 5 weeks.
I thought this picture of Hailey in her cute little swim suit, playing with a party blower, was so cute.
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  1. Aww!Happy Birthday to your mom! I am sure she did not mind the ugly cake. I bet it tasted good. It looks like you all had a great time. Your pictures are great!

  2. Even your grandma looks so so young. You have fantastic genetics in your family. I would love to go to Ritter Springs. The store reminded me of the one that was in the Waltons.

  3. Hey that looks like fun! I like to look at all the old buildings too. When we were at kids camp we drove through a small town (of which I cannot remember the name) and they had old brick building on the main street. They were closed but gave the town that historic feeling.

  4. Mom looks great! OK, that cake is seriously weird.

    Glad you had a good time.

    Jessica loved seeing Hailey in her old swimming suit. Jessica loved that one!


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