Monday, August 17, 2009

Historic Ritter Hot Springs

I thought I'd take some picture of Ritter Hot Springs to show you what kind of place it is. There are a lot of hiking trails in the area. I wasn't able to get a shot of the two cabins on the other side of the hotel. You can rent them out. It is a great place for smaller family gatherings and I believe they have a few hook ups for RVs. The cabins are pretty nice, but generally speaking the whole place is kind of run down, which is fine with me because there aren't a lot of people and it is inexpensive. Apparently this place used to be a real destination. Lots of famous people would come stay here. It is in the heart of cowboy country, near Long Creek, OR (kind of by John Day). The white building is the old hotel. They must be working on it because there were more rooms open than I've ever seen before.
Here is a shot of the pool. It is always the perfect temperature for swimming. They have lots of pool toys to play with. We put Josiah and Hailey in their life jackets. Josiah had a ball jumping off the diving board. They have bath houses where you can soak in hot springs water across the river. They are really rustic and smell of that lovely hot springs sulfur smell.
This is the old Ritter Springs General Store. You probably can't read the sign, but at the bottom is says, "Ranchers and Cowboys Supplies". It is closed now, but it just looks so neat. I'd love to see the inside. You still see lots of modern day cowboys and ranchers when you go to Ritter. Hope you all have enjoyed the virtual tour of historic Ritter Hot Springs. If you're ever in that area between Memorial Day and Labor Day, stop by and go for a swim. Don't forget that they are closed on Friday evenings through Saturday afternoons. They open up again Saturday evenings.
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  1. How FUN!!! I love looking at your pictures.

    Your cheese-a-makin is amazing! I wish I could do it with you one time. You should give lessons.

  2. What a neat place! I hope that Olivia and I can check it out someday soon! :}

  3. Rachel,
    Anytime you want a lesson, come on up. We can stuff you guys in our house. If we can do it with the Brown clan, we can sure do it for you! We've got a huge backyard for the kids to play in. If you're ever through this area and have time to stop, we'd love to see you.

    I'm suprised you haven't been there, being an Eastern Oregon native. You'd love it!

  4. Oh, what a special place! Thanks for the virtual tour, Jackie. I used to teach up the road in Monument, so it was close by; and now I'm sorry we never went there. You might enjoy a motorcycle ride throuth one of the most beautiful valleys, the Fox valley. South from Long Creek to John Day is a spectaculary beautiful valley where I've seen the Sandhill Cranes in migration stopping by to mate by the hundreds. Their ritual dances around each other are unforgettable.

  5. Catherine,
    Fox Valley is gorgeous. We go through there on our way to the Alvord Desert. Someday I'd like to take the Harley and go all the way to Denio Junction, NV and back. I'd definitely want to be with someone on that ride.

  6. I love the pics and I love Ritter! The water is amazingly warm and it is usually not too crowded. Unfortuately, it is a longs ways away for a day trip

  7. Wow! That does look like a great place to visit. Great pictures.

  8. How cool! I love places like that. I wanna see more pictures! LOL


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