Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RB Floats at Mad Mary's

Last Friday we went to adorable town of Joseph to visit Michael and attend a barbecue for the range department . You can't go to Joseph without getting some enormous treat from Mad Mary's. They're motto is "Everything Fun and Fattening". Boy, is that true! Look at the size of these rootbeer floats! I had no idea how big they were going to be, so I ordered two. BIG Mistake - one would have been enough for the four of us. The glass must have been 10 inches tall.

"Wheee! I don't get refined sugar very often, so I'm on a major sugar high!"

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  1. Oooooh, I LOVE a RB float! You're right; they are big. And your kids are darling! I love Hailey's hair cut...and both of the with red hair...where does that come from?

  2. I'm sure they were LOVIN' that treat! Hailey, is so cute!

  3. These pictures don't do these RB floats justice since we had them half-eaten by the time we took pictures. They were gluttony at it's finest!

    Both Michael and I each have a grandmother with red hair, so it would come from my kids' great-grandmothers. I knew when I married a blonde the recessive gene would come out. I just didn't expect it to happen twice!

  4. I have never been to Mad Mary's before - I think I need to go there! :}

  5. Cute, cute, cute. Those little red heads steal the show! Yum - the stop was worth it, makes my mouth water.

  6. Your children are adorable. I want to get to know you better; please visit me for a fun award!

  7. Cute pictures! You look so pretty Jackie!

  8. OOOOOh! Yummy! My kids love rootbeer floats! Those do look huge!


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