Friday, October 2, 2009

Back Online with Great News!

I'm back online and I've got some great news regarding Michael's job situation. First of all, thanks to all of you who left a comment regarding my modem being down. I got a new DSL line and modem. This thing is screamin' compared to what it used to be. All this time I thought things were slow because of my computer. Guess not!
After four years of not knowing the direction God was taking us, He finally revealed himself at the last minute for our family. We had so many people praying for us. Not only did God answer our prayers for a job for Michael, He blessed us with more than we could hope for. Michael got a job offer today from the Forest Service in Baker City, asking him to come work for them as a Vehicle Maintenance Clerk. While this isn't what he went to school for (his degree is in Rangeland Ecology Management) it is something he more than qualifies for with his experience as an officer in the National Guard. It works out better for our family because it means we don't have to move and he gets to come home at night. I'm still pinching myself. Two weeks ago it looked like we were going to have to move for sure and now we find out we'll be staying put. What a relief!We have so many friends here and a wonderful support system in place for me, which with another deployment in the works sometime next year, this is extremely important.
The extra blessing in all this is that Michael is being paid a grade higher than he expected for this position. He has room to move into management eventually. I'm so proud of him and thrilled that all his hard work is paying off. God has grown both of us through this process tremendously. Our faith is so much stronger because we had to wait so long (4 years) to find out what God was doing. It has been a lesson in patience for both of us. While we would start to despair at times, one of us was always strong and would remind the other that God had a plan and we needed to keep trusting Him. He is so faithful! Thanks to each of you who've prayed for Michael along this journey of finding full-time, permanent employment. We are proof that God answers prayers!
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!


  1. I get to be the first commenter! Oh, Jack, I'm still just amazed at how God answered our prayers. I'm so glad we decided NOT to panic and put our hope in Him, knowing anything could happen. It was a test in your faith, Jackie and you PASSED! Flying colors, Sis, Flying colors!

    I love you and am so happy for you and proud of YOU.

  2. Yayayayayayay! I am soooo excited for your family! You know that I totally GET the joy of having a hubby w/ a more "normal" schedule! And I'm so happy you guys get this, too! I understood all the feelings you shared, as we've been through a similar situation until just recently! You share so eloquently the emotional struggle that it is...and now you can let that burden go! SUCH GREAT NEWS! Congrats to your hubby...and equally to you, as you've been in this just as much as he. I'm celebrating your news tonight!

  3. What wonderful news and an amazing witness!!

  4. That is the best news. Thank You for sharing. Many Blessings,

  5. What a blessing it is to receive God's goodness and mercy, His provision right into the palm of your hand! God is so good, and you've been a good witness to the fruit of 'waiting'. Good girl, Jackie!

  6. Praise God! What a thrill to see Him move on behalf of His children. While the unbelievers are reaping what they have sown, the believers are reaping what they have sown!!!!

  7. The Lord is so Good! He is NEVER too late for anything...always right on time!! Your testimony about His Faithfulness is wonderful.

  8. This is amazing news! God truly does provide! My family experienced a similar situation about 6 months ago that resulted in my husband being unemployed for 2 frightening months! Just as I was begining to panic, the Lord stepped in and blessed us with a better job with better benefits and pay! I am rejoicing for your family!
    Also, can I get your recipe for tortilla chicken soup? I noticed you mentioned that on my blog, and I have always wanted to make that.

  9. That is great news Jackie woohoo for God.

  10. Wow! Jackie that is absolutely wonderful about Michael's job. God is so good! His blessings are always more than we could have hoped for. Praise God!!!!
    I am so glad that you got a new modem and faster internet. I am sure that will make your computer experience much more enjoyable too. Blessings are just pouring in for you and your family.

  11. That's completely awesome! Congratulations and praise God!

  12. Hi Jackie! Good to see you back. And it's so wonderful to hear that you guys have had such an answer to prayer!!! A real blessing I am sure!


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