Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rough Night, Better Morning

I had a really rough time last night. It is going to take some time to get used to not sleeping with Oscar. I kept finding myself reaching out for him. The pillow I put beside me to trick me into thinking he was still there, didn't cut it. When I would get up to go to the bathroom, I was searching for him to pick up him off the bed because I always let him out to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Luckily, Hailey saved me. She got up twice. I put her back to bed the first time, but the second time I let her stay. I was able to sleep a little after that. I'm doing better this morning. Tired and spent, but I'm glad I allowed myself to grieve yesterday. I'm hoping I'll be able to talk about it today without bawling like a baby. This morning I was going through our pictures and I was so pleased to see just how many pictures Oscar is in. It didn't take me long to find some good ones to post. The earliest digital picture I have of him is when he's about 9 years old. Josiah was a baby and was absolutely facinated by Oscar. Oscar would sleep at the foot of the boppy when my kids were babies. He was never a jealous dog. He's been going gray/white for so many years that I forgot what a beautiful shade of red his coat used to be.

I love this picture of half of Oscar's face. He was never camera shy. That is Josiah and I in the background.

Oscar was a true lap dog. If there was a lap to be found, he was in it. People used to tease Michael because he'd be driving around in his big old, 4-wheel drive, '58 Chevy pick-up with a little weiner dog hanging out the window. They thought he should have a big dog in the back or something. Michael was always very proud of Oscar and helped me take excellent care of him. Josiah is about 14 months old in this picture.

This was a typical scene in our house when our kids were babies. I thought this was a cute picture of Hailey (aproximately 3 months old) and Oscar. Thanks again to everyone who has prayed for me/us and all your sweet comments. It has meant the world to me and is helping me get through this difficult time. You are blessings in my life and I love you all!
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  1. These photos are SO cool! And I JUST now got the connection between his name and the kind of dog he is!!! How funny!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I went thru it in January, so I feel for you. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers today.

    He sure was a cutie :)


  3. I'm so sorry Jackie! What a difficult time! The pictures are great and I"m so happy your children were able to have such a loving dog in their early years.

  4. Oh Jackie, I'm so sorry for you. Oscar was your real "first" wasn't he. Keep posting about him, it will help work things out for you. I'll keep reading about him too!

  5. Oh, so sorry to hear you lost your little friend, member of the family. I'm sure it will be a day by day healing of the heart.

    I couldn't even imagine losing one of my pets, especially my little Buddy.

    Love the pictures!! They are so sweet.

  6. Such sweet photos, and the memories you will have. I let my folks know about Oscar, and they are sad for you. We are all praying for you guys!


  7. Awww... I haven't been on your blog in a few days so I didn't know. I completely understand this loss. When my dog Cole died I really fell apart too. He was my companion growing up.

    Tonka is getting up there in age too and so sometimes when I see him lying still in the yard I call his name just to make sure he's still breathing.

  8. ((Jackie)),

    I am so sorry.

    I know how you feel, I just lost my old girl this spring and it is still hard.


  9. Love the pictures! He was a beautiful dog.


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