Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sleeping Pumpkin

I just had to post these pictures I snapped of Hailey falling asleep on Josiah while they were watching "Cinderella". When the movie was over, he very carefully moved so he wouldn't wake her up. I just thought they looked like a couple of sweet pumpkins leaning against each other. I must be getting in the mood for fall.

Thanks again to everyone for your prayers and support regarding Oscar. Your sweet, encouraging comments have truly taken the sting out of his death. I'm doing a lot better now, although this morning I realized I may have to set my alarm because I keep sleeping in until 7AM. I've never set an alarm because he always wanted to be let out between 5 and 6AM. I needed to sleep in this morning, since I'm still not able to sleep very well without him.

I'm gearing up for MOPS starting again this month. I'll be a table leader this year, so I've got more responsibilities, but I feel like it is time for me to give more than take at this point. I simply showed up for 3 years and it was wonderful. The first time I'd ever been involved with something that long and not been in leadership. Well, for everything there is a season and since I'm not working as much, I feel like it is time for me to step up and help more. I'm really looking forward to getting to know my ladies this year.

Parting shot. Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
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  1. What a sweet picture. I love when I see my boys taking care of their little sister. I'm so happy to hear you feeling a little better :)

  2. Ahh ... what a precious moment. I want a nap and someone to lean on ...

    Loved your background and the kitchen poster. Enjoy your delirious kitchen!

  3. So sweet!

    Your background is perfect! Don't change it!

    I love you so much and I'm glad that you are getting more sleep.

  4. Oh, Jackie, what darling children, especially the little sleeping one! I love your background too and wonder why you'd want to set an alarm. I'd give anything to get up at least sometimes. My natural sense it to awaken about 5...always, no matter how late I've stayed up. Yikes!

  5. Aww I love the last shot with her little nappy splayed. It is too too sweet.

  6. Sweet picture!

    Good for you being a table leader. I am sure you will be a blessing to your table. I am still friends with my first table leader, and she has a high school graduate now!


  7. Those pictures of Josiah and Hailey are adorable. They do look like little pumpkins. I must be getting ready for fall too.:)
    Glad to hear you are doing a little better about Oscar. Aren't you glad you took pictures of him all along?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just stopping in to say I am praying for your mom!



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