Monday, October 26, 2009

Civil War Kids

This is why I was making the bloomers! For Halloween this year, I'm dressing my kids up as Civil War era children. I also got some old time photos taken last weekend through a MOPS fundraiser. So I'm getting my money and time out of making these bloomers for Hailey. Plus, she wore them to church on Sunday. I made them big, so they will fit her next year, too. I tried to take some pictures of the kids before the professional photo shoot, but I wasn't having a lot of luck. Hailey was not cooperating since I had to wake her up from her nap early. Therefor these pictures aren't that great. I don't know what is going on with my camera. I seem to have an annoying glow about all my pictures now. Anybody have an idea? I'm wondering if the lense got scratched or there is condensation in the camera.

This adorable bonnet was made for my niece, Darienne, by Michael's late Grandma Viola. She made a precious outfit to go with it, but the outfit is too big. Next year, we'll have pictures taken with her in it. My SIL graciously let us borrow the outfit. The bonnet fit perfectly. I wish I would have taken a picture of the back of her head. The bonnet is open in the back, so it really does look old-fashioned.

Yeah! One really good picture of Hailey doing her "thing". I can't remember where she got this sweater, but it is the cutest thing. It is really thick, so perfect for winter. I think it looks kind of old-fashioned, too. Hope you all had a great weekend!

God Bless,
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  1. Very cute! I love the bonnet and bloomers! Bring up the outfits and I'll get some pics of them with my camera at Thanksgiving.

  2. I figured out what was wrong with my camera. The lens was dirty. I took a q-tip and cleaned it off and now everything is clear again. Whew! Glad I didn't majorly screw up my camera.

  3. Love those pictures and even though there was an annoying glow it kind of made them a little more "authentic". I was going to ask if you cleaned your lense recently because I've done that before too but you got it taken care of 1st.

  4. These are great shots! I think the "annoying glow" just adds to the "old fashioned" look! The kids are as cute as anything!! :)


  5. Okay..these kids--and their outfits--are absolutely adorable!!!!and I have to agree with the others, the glow gave the pics a very authentic look. :o)


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