Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Rides

While I'm waiting for my cheese to brine, I thought I'd slip in another post of this weekend. After we went to Dufur's homecoming parade, we loaded into Diana's mini-van to go see Papa and Great Papa at a Pumpkin Patch event in The Dalles. Wow, you should have seen the line for the miniature horse rides! My parents have two minis, this one is Baker Man. Yes, he's adorable and has a sweet temperament. He takes both horses so he can trade them out so as not to overwork them.

Check out that 'stache! I swear it gets longer (and more grey every time I see him). Dad used to have a very long red beard (see, red does run in the family). I remember trying to find his chin when I was a little girl. When he finally shaved it, I was traumatized because he looked so different, LOL!

Here is a picture of my grandpa and his wife, Regina. They were giving Hay rides. Everyone looks like they are having a great time!

No, this is not my husband, but don't panic! Even though it was Dufur's homecoming weekend, when I went to the pumpkin patch in The Dalles, it felt like homecoming weekend for my class. I saw so many classmates I hadn't seen in years. This was my commencement walking partner, Robbie. It was so great to see him and catch up a little.

Also, I didn't get one picture (too busy talking - who me?:), but on Sunday I visited my good friend from high school, Leslie, at her ranch near where I grew up. Josiah and her son hit it off immediately. They kept getting into trouble together, so we had to confine them to the house so we could visit. They really had a good time. On the way home, I stopped off at my grandmother's retirement home and visited with her. It was wonderful to see so many family and friends all in one weekend.

Well, better get my queso fresco in the press. Have a good one everybody!

God Bless,
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  1. Oh, this looks so fun! We have a really big fall festival like this here in southern Indiana too, but it's about a 2 hour drive from where I live, and I just don't think we'll make it this year, with a baby and me being at the end of my pregnancy. Looks like you all had a great weekend!

  2. Looks like fun. It is still so hot down in Florida. We do have vendors who come and sell pumpkins and then there is a corn maze the kids can run through. We haven't made our way over there. I don't know if we will. We've all been so busy.

    BTW....Thank you so much for your sweet comments. Yes, it is truly a journey we are all on. Thanks for visiting and understanding my struggles. :)

  3. Wow! Really busy weekend, but I'm sure, memorable.

  4. Ha! Ha! That's funny, I posted under Yohn's blogger account name a few minutes ago. I did the same thing on your sister's blog.

  5. Looks like you had one great weekend! I love the pictures of the cousins together in the last post!!

  6. Hi Jackie. I recognize Rob. Looks like a fun day.I missed it

  7. Isn't Dad's beard long? Looks like you had a good time!

  8. I miss you! Looks like you had fun at the pumpkin patch!

    Your nephew, Josh

  9. Josh,
    I miss you, too, Bud! Wish you guys could have come with us to the Pumpkin Patch. Hope you had fun at the Discovery Center. Glad we got to see you for a bit last weekend. You are getting so tall and handsome. Hope you're a good boy today for your mom.

    Love, Aunt Jackie

  10. How sweet that Josh is expressing himself. tears. love his sensitivity.Did he surprise you aunty? Love you
    i always forget about that pumpkin patch. i have never gone to it and Tyson helps put it together (I think). we go to Rassmussens. The kids love te story made out of pumpkins and gourds in the corn maze. Have you been there?

  11. Such fun! I was hoping to do a hay ride with my sister but it was rainy all the time.

  12. Great story, great pics, wish I could taste the cheese. Jackie, I went to a fabric, etc shop in Battleground, WA with my sis and daughter the other day...called Aunt Tam's. There were patterns, vintage fabic, vintage EVERYTHING, including bloomers in every kind of fabric for sale along with the patterns. I thought of you!

  13. Candy,
    I've never been to Rassmassen's I've heard good things about it. The one in The Dalles was really well done and a lot of fun. Yes, I love that the boys are old enough to comment. It is just so cool!

    Love Hearing From Ya,

  14. Cat,
    That sounds like my kind of store! I'll have to give Stacie some cheese to store in the freezer and give to you the next time she sees you. Yesterday's batch of queso fresco turned out yummy!

  15. Looks like such fun! We love hay rides here - so much fun and I love the ghange in weather this time of year


  16. What special times with your children...they will remember these days for all their lives!


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