Monday, October 12, 2009

Toddler In the Pot Just 2 Years Old

This is how big my 4 gallon cheese pot is. My toddler can fit in here comfortably. Of course, I just had to take a picture. Don't worry, I washed it before I used it again.

Speaking of pictures, I completely forgot my camera this weekend. My parents watched the kids for us so we could have a romantic night at a bed and breakfast. The house we stayed in was so beautiful. It had the orginal silk wallpaper and draperies. The moldings and scroll work were to die for. It was called the Pendleton House Bed and Breakfast: see this website for pictures of this historic house The owners were just so sweet. He was an Air Force Vietnam veteran, so he and Michael had a lot to talk about. We went to Hamley's for dinner. Way too expensive for what it was, but I guess you gotta try it once. Beautiful atmosphere in though.

On Saturday we drove to Tri-Cities and went through our favorite motorcycle shop to get a repair part for the bike and some better riding gloves for me. We also found my early Christmas present, the perfect pair of motorcycle boots! I'm so excited about these. They don't hurt my feet and they are exactly what I've been looking for. Michael had an eye exam and ended up getting contacts, so that was his early Christmas present.

We had a romantic weekend of shopping without the kids (mostly -except we met up with kids and my parents in Costco) and took some time to dream about adding on another addition to our home to make the living room and dining room bigger. We are praying about it, so we'll see how God moves in that area. We won't go into debt for it.

Anyway, hope you all get some special time with your sweeties. We don't get to very often, so it sure makes us appreciate our time together when we do get to get away. We really need to make it happen more often. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I hope to be catching up with some of you soon.

God Bless,
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  1. She's a beautiful little red head -Isn't it funny how little children love spaces like that?

  2. Great title, Jack!

    Can't wait to give Hailey smooches this weekend!

  3. She is beautiful... Sounds like you had a great time. Hope you have the best week. Blessings,

  4. That pic cracked me up! Got your comment by the way, and we'll also be praying for your family in this time of transition. Technically, Chris started work "today", but with the holiday he, too, was home but will be paid. Tomorrow his training actually begins. It's almost surreal. It's like, I've hoped for it, prayed for it, looked forward to it, and don't fully believe that it's here! Haha! I hope all goes well for Michael and for you as you all adjust to this new normal. Yay, what an exciting week!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I'm going to that site when I finish commenting as I used to live in a home that was made into a Bed and Breakfast. I shared it with two others. One friend lived upstairs in the 4 bedrooms and bath area, and one lived in the basement. He was a musician and woke me every morning playing beautiful music that floated up through the vents to my bedroom on the main floor. Anyway, I'll go look at it.

  6. What a sweet picture! You should blow that one up for the grandparents! :)

  7. Cat,
    That sounds like a lovely way to wake up. Better than my annoying alarm clock! Let me know what you think of the Pendleton House.


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