Friday, October 9, 2009

Why I Blog - A Little About Jackie

Michelle at "She Looketh Well" hinted that a certain woman who likes to make cheese ought to introduce herself and tell a little about why she blogs. First of all, I love meeting other women, whether they are like-minded or not. I think we all have a commen thread that connects us together. I'm very relational, love to comment and love to receive comments. I think the comments are what encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing - to find time to blog.

My twin sister, Stacie is the one who got me started. She had started a blog and she drew me kicking and screaming into the blogging world. I really didn't want to do it, but when I realized how I could use the blog to simplify my life, I quickly got on board. I love when someone asks me for this or that recipe and I can point them to the blog. I love that I can share my life with my family, friends and new blogging friends.

A little about me - My name is Jackie and I'm 34 years old and wife and mom to two. Some people call me a paradox. I'm very feminine, yet I ride my husband's Custom Softail Harley Davidson and dirt bikes. I love adventure and new experiences, especially with my family. I start out cautious, but when I get comfortable, I throw all of myself into whatever I'm doing. I have to be careful of burn-out. I'm a soil scientist (work a couple of hours a week from home), yet I'm a stay-at-home mom. I love to dress up whenever I get the chance because it makes me feel like I'm more a part of whatever I'm doing. I love to cook and try new ways to make recipes healthier. I'm not into eating healthy food just because its healthy. It has to taste good to me and my family! Currently, I'm trying to perfect the art of making my own healthy chocolate bars and fermenting my own vegetables. This kind of stuff makes me tick! I love being a homeschool mama. Teaching my kids using real life is something I really enjoy. Typically I don't make a lot of crafts, but I do love scrapbooking and make my own cards. I'm trying to get better about doing crafts with Josiah for homeschooling projects. Not my gift, but I'm working on it. Crafts create clutter and I hate clutter. Here's my tip for the day. I keep my house devoid of clutter and everyone thinks its clean even though it might not be!

My blog is a collage of our life. I use it to post family pictures, recipes, stories of our family's adventures, triumphs, sadness, and struggles. You know - life! I intentionally keep my blog non-political and non-denominational to avoid foolish arguements. I want to be an encouragement to others and I want to be encouraged. So please feel free to leave comments! You don't know how much they encourage me. Above all, I want Jesus Christ to shine through in everything our family does. He is our purpose and hope.

I'd love to hear from any of you who've been reading this blog, even from those who've never commented before. Does it encourage you? Is there anything you'd like to see more of? Are my posts too long? LOL!

Thank you, Michelle, for suggesting I do this. I think it is important for others (and ourselves) to know why we blog. God bless you all!

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  1. I love your blog because I love you and I love to hear what your family is up to.

    I blog because you told me it would be fun. I started slow and then one day I just caught fire and now I'm addicted and have to be careful of how I spend my time because it can consume me. However, it's a great outlet for finding new "bloggy" friends and getting encouragement.

    Thanks Jackie! You always make me smile or think.


  2. I am sure I linked up to your blog thru Michelle, who is a neighbor of mine. It's nice to find out a bit about each other, isn't it?

  3. I love it that you blog! It is just one more thing we have in common. I love that you know what is going on in blog and get excited when you see that I have a new follower. We have found so many new friends blogging.

    Your posts aren't to long and I think your blog does shine in Jesus' light!

    Great job, Sis! Keep it up!

  4. I love reading your blog just because you are my Stacie's sister, AND you came to visit me right after I'd left paradise to go to another one that didn't turn out like that at first. Thank you for honoring me with a visit...even though, for you, it was a vastly difficult one (breaking a part of your collarbone off on a hideous fall.

    I love reading about what you are up to!

  5. I loved reading your introduction! It sounds like you have an interesting life and an interesting, varied blog that will be fascinating and encouraging to read! I look forward to reading more as time allows!

  6. I love reading your blog Jackie because I keep in touch with "you" and what is going on with you and your family. I feel like you are a part of my family because of Stacie being my neighbor for to few of years and her family bcame my family. I also love to hear about Michael because of the connection I have with one f his cousins(Joleen was one of my good friends in school)and because I am so proud of him,Thank you so much Michael. I don't think your blog is to long. Do you think my comment is to long?LOL I love you Jackie,pease keep it up.
    And give me a hint on where to start to eat healthier.

  7. Welcome to the Party Jackie!

    Thanks for sharing about was a good idea that Michelle had! :)

    What a wonderful thing to be a Mom in the home and able to homeschool...the Lord is so good!

    Your posts are interesting and I appreciate the recipes...I've tagged some for future reference.

    Thanks for faithfully visiting is a pleasure to have you as a blogging friend.


  8. Hi Jackie. I came to your blog a few months ago reading about your cheese making. I had tried the recipe for Soured Cream cheese. The first time it molded and so I tried again and it worked. I haven't ate any yet. It smelled bad and I am having a hard time making myself try it. LOL. I did put some in the freezer though.

    I enjoy your blog and your recipes.

  9. Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I found you through Stacie and I am thrilled that I did. I think you are so kind and genuine and fun. A very worthwile addition to my life.

  11. Hi Jackie,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm looking forward to visiting yours often.
    I hope mine will be an encouragement to you. :)



  12. Thanks everyone! It is great to know that people even care about what I put on here and that it is blessing you.

    The best tip I can give you in the healthy eating department is to first take out all hydrogenated foods. After that, switch to whole grains and then take out refined sugar. Everything else is gravy. I really think those are the most important things, in that order.

    Yes, the soured cream cheese will have a funny smell that will take some getting used to. I would try using it as you would ricotta at first. Also, it is wonderful with some fresh garlic, basil and salt, just as a dip. People go nuts over it when I bring it anywhere. You can use it in any no-cook cream cheese recipe and it will turn out good, too. Hope that helps!

  13. Your right, we do sound a lot alike! :D I've not tried making chocolate bars yet, though I have considered it. I should really give it a go, being the chocolate nut that I am. Do you have recipes for them on here, or is it still in process? :D
    Your brave to ride motor bikes! My DH says they are safer than 4 wheelers but I just can't believe him. ;) Simply love the dress your wearing! Very good colour for you! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. Hi Jakie! So fun to meet you here! Thanks for the kind comments on my blog.

    I feel like I have a new friend!


  15. Oh, I so hope and pray that you could have your own homestead. It is such a wonderful life to live off the land. Just keep praying! God loves to give gifts.

    Your blog is really sweet, enjoyed coming by.

    Blessings and thank you for coming by my blog,

  16. wow! You sound like such an interesting person. I think I am going to enjoy reading your blog!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog! do you have any posts about making your own cheese? My daughter and I are intrigued!


  18. LOVE your blog! I read through all your most recent posts! Fermenting vegetables? How interesting! I do A LOT of canning and freezing from our garden, but never have done any fermenting. I will be back soon!

  19. Thanks for visiting my blog.It's nice to meet you too, cheesemakin' mama and homestead wannabes. I agree with you, women don't have to be like minded to be interesting or fun to talk to.

  20. Now I left a message yesterday but it hasn't appeared again. That is so weird.

    I am so glad that I have come to know you a little Jacki, you are kind and gentle and real and I love it.

  21. Oh Jackie, thanks for linking up. Women will be so blessed. You are a sweetheart!

    Love ya,

  22. Nice to meet you, Cheesemakin' Mama! I used to make cheese, too. I loved it! But, that was when I living in the country. For now the Lord has us in Los Angeles, of all places! So, no keeping goats in my apartment in the city!

    I stopped by from Michelle's blog party--hasn't this been great fun?! Meeting new people is great--especially when they are as fun and interesting as this group of ladies!

  23. Hi Jackie,
    Nice to meet you. I like your blog. Homemaking is so cool, isn't it? I just got into whole wheat bread, love to can and cook from scratch. I look forward to reading more from you!

  24. Wow! I'm thrilled to see how many people responded to this post. It makes me realize that the blog is part of something bigger than I imagined. I've had a few questions and I hope I don't forget anyone. If I did, let me know.

    I'm still working on the homemade chocolate bar recipe, so stay tuned! Hopefully I get it perfected soon. Dirt bikes and 4 wheelers all have different things that are more dangerous. You just have to choose which is the best fit for you. Either one is fun, but riding a street bike is the best in my opinion. Thank you for the compliment on the dress. It is really the most wonderful material, it even has a slight shine to it. I love it!

    Jennifer Sikora,
    Yes, I've posted all my the cheese I make. I'm not real varied. I stick with things I don't have to age. Just not that patient, LOL! For raw cheese recipes, go to my sidebar and under Lables-->Raw Dairy, you'll find all my recipes with pictures and instructions. Cheesemaking is so much fun! I do it once a week, making 4 lbs at a time and not only use it for our family, but I trade it for the milk that I use and fresh farm eggs as well as other items. If you try it, let me know how it goes!

    Thanks to everyone again for taking time to leave comments and following my blog. Keep 'em coming! I love it. It encourages me so much.

  25. Jackie,

    So glad to have found you...another soldiers wife. And I too dream of having my own homestead one day! Besides that...I have a Josiah as well. Love your blog and will be visiting as often as I can.

    In Christ alone,
    Jackie Fowler

  26. Dear Jackie,
    Let me just say - THANK YOU! What a sweet compliment you paid me on my blog. I'm so glad to meet you. Isn't the blogging world a neat way to meet others. I've met so many wonderful people that I consider true friends.

    I have to say that I also love the idea of homesteading! I live on a five acre farm. We've had Nubian dairy goats, we've raised chickens for meat and eggs. We've had guinea's, sheep, way too many cats and a few dogs. We currently have 4 chickens for a perfect supply of eggs for our family and also one loyal dog - we're in need of a good mouser as our last one disappeared.

    Someday when I have more time I'd love to raise dairy goats again. They are such wonderful animals.

    After reading about your fermented vegetables I must ask, do you use the Nourishing Traditions book? I love that book. I'm a kombucha maker too, have you done that? I used to make kefir, but my kefir grains got a little undernourished when I took a break. I need to make them healthy and start doing that again. Makes great smoothies.

    Well, I'm getting ready to post my featured blogger for Monday, so I better get. I just wanted to say hello.
    So nice to meet you.
    Your new chum,

  27. I like your blog. Thank you for visiting GAhome2mom. Great page layout too.

  28. Lynette,
    Yes, I do use a lot of Nourishing Traditions principles, but not many of their recipes. I think their recipes generally aren't that tasty. I do use a few though (like raw ice cream and raw soured cream cheese). I can usually take any recipe that looks good and make it using whole grains, good fats and unrefined sugar and still make it taste good. I'm not very good at soaking my grains, although thanks to Michelle's inspiration, I've been doing a bit more in that arena. I've tried Kombucha and didn't like it at all. I've done kefir, but tend to just use cultured buttermilk in most of my cooking. I'm not a big smoothie girl, although I know they are super good for you. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope to get to know you better.

    God Bless,

  29. Jackie, I love reading your blog and hope to get to know you, even better. Your blog is perfect. I love getting comments too. I love that pic of you. Many Blessings, Audrey

  30. Hi Jackie. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I really enjoyed getting to know you. Your kids are precious.
    Bless you!

  31. I am so glad that I found you through the blogging community. Right now, I can not remember how that happened, except that I realized you had a son named Josiah and I had to come over to meet you. I am so glad that I did. I truly enjoy stopping by to visit and having you over at my place too. It is a true joy to have you as a blogging friend.

  32. Hi, I'm new here--still making my way around from last week's Blog Party! I think you've got a great blog from what I've seen so far. I'm also not very crafty so that comment resonates with me. Yet my house is still more cluttered than I'd like--mostly with books! (Smile) It sounds like you post some interesting topics and fun recipes--and I love that "Friday" photo of your daughter--too cute!

  33. I love seeing your adorable kids (their smiles are incredible)and hearing about their lives (makes me miss my grandkids though), looking at your NE Oregon photos (love that place) and reading your recipes (looking forward to trying the Chicken Tortilla soup one!).
    Keep up the great work and TY to your sister who got you started in blogging!
    PS: Congrats on your DH's new job! SO happy for your family:)

  34. Love your post and thank you for sharing your life. I need to downsize my clutter. Because of inattentiveness, I put something away a few years ago then we had to look high and low for it and found it today in a drawer we didn't expect it to be in. A misplaced birth certificate isn't something to lose. Why I put it in the drawer it was in is a puzzlement to me. Anyway, take care and will keep up with you. I remember the homeschooling years myself. They were good overall and glad we did it!! God bless!!

  35. ..."to avoid foolish arguments." I LOVE THAT and totally agree! Well it's Biblical, how could I not? :O)

    Thanks for the follow and for commenting on my blog. I'm going to follow you as well. :)


  36. I discovered your blog by accident as I was searching for toothpaste soap recipes. Such a delight to get this glimpse of a real family! God Bless You and your family! LInda

  37. I discovered your blog by accident as I searched for toothpaste soap recipes. Such a delight to have a glimpse into a real family's life. God Bless You and your family. Linda

  38. Nice to meet you, Linda! Thanks for following. I appreciate the sweet comment and I hope you comment again :) Have a great day, Jackie


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!