Friday, October 30, 2009

What Happened to the Snowman's Nose?

You thought I was joking when I blogged earlier in the week that our pumpkin man would soon have a snowman friend, didn't ya? Well, yesterday we had our first snow (the leaves aren't even off all our trees yet) and there was enough for Josiah to make a snowman and for us to have our first snowball fight of the year. Later, I asked why the snowman's nose was missing. Josiah says, "Um, well you see...I got hungry and ate it." That's my boy!

Read a couple of posts down for another Friday Funny.

Have a wonderful, safe weekend!

God Bless,
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  1. So cute ... to have a nose to eat!

    Oh my, snow? This much snow? Am glad you got to enjoy the moment!

  2. That's funny. It's hard work building a snow man! LOL. Seeing snow when it's been in the high 80's is kind of funny in and of itself! LOL
    Happy Friday

  3. Wow, snow already? I am afraid we are not too far behind you! Cute pics.
    To reply to you about the baby, it seems as if yes, he's started to turn. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday, and he was lying transverse, so that was good news! He has about 4 weeks to completely turn.

  4. I believed you! We had friends in town from Boise, the end of last week we'd been watching the weather forcast, as they were driving back on Wed. Then yesterday the local weather forcast we read said that we (western WA) were stuck in the middle; BC was getting like a ton of rain, we were getting a middle amount and to the southeast near the Rockies there was snow. Then I happened to talk with my friend and lo and behold, she said that it was trying to spit snow in Boise! How fun!

  5. The snow games have begun, haven't they? It is always a thrill when the first snow falls, I think. Of course, by April when it is STILL falling we are not thrilled at all where I live! I'm delighted someone got some nutrition out of it too! That was cute :)

  6. Cute. We had a foot and a half of snow here over the past few days. The sun came out today and we went out and made a snowman and a snow fort! Fun!

  7. I can just hear the tone of his voice, too, when he said that. He is so funny! I'm surprised that Hailey didn't beat him to it!

  8. Stace,
    Hailey probably would have beaten him to it if she hadn't been taking a nap. LOL!

  9. WOW...snow just doesn't feel right...not yet!!! :) How fun for the kids though!!



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