Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fairmont Fair

Last night we went to the AWANAS Fairmont Fair. Never been there before. It was a wonderful Halloween alternative. No scary costumes and lots of good clean fun. I was the only adult who was dressed up, so I felt a little inconspicuous. Adults really need to have more fun! My kids love it when I dress up with them. Hailey wanted to wear her little frilly, tutu dress instead of her Civil War outfit. I can rarely get Michael to dress up with me. Last night he said he was dressed as a "grumpy old man".
Josiah opted out of being a Civil War soldier at the last minute and instead chose to dress as a WWII GI. We got him an Army pack for his birthday and it came in handy in the candy department. Oh my gosh, I've never seen so much candy in my life! We came away with an enormous amount. I let the kids choose five of their favorite pieces. We're going to use the rest tonight if we get any trick or treaters. If we have any left over, we'll ship it to the pastor we know in Kenya where it is much appreciated since they don't get very much candy there.

Michael made me this cloak a few years ago. He used a cheap cloak I bought on Halloween clearance and then lined it and put beautiful old-fashioned hook fasteners on it. I love it! It is one of my favorite gifts he's ever given me.

They had some really unique games at the party. This spoon catapult was really interesting. They tried to fling AWANAS tokens into little buckets. Josiah did pretty good. Hailey pretty much used all her tokens on the cupcake walk. She just loved walking/running around in circles over and over again. Sounds like a typical toddler, doesn't it?

A big thanks to all the workers who helped put the Fairmont Fair together!

God Bless,
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  1. You guys look cute! That party sounds like a nice, no-scare alternative to a traditional Halloween celebration. We went to Trunk or Treat once, and it was fun. The church holds this event in their parking lot, and at each parked car the children visit, they hear a Bible story and get goodies. I really appreciated that event.

  2. What a great costume Jackie! Your kids looked adorable too. What a blessing to be able to participate in something safe and fun at this time of year!


  3. You are so great about dressing up with your kids. And tell Michael, he had the perfect costume! I couldn't describe him any better! I know he'll be pleased...

    Did I tell you I'm going to splurge and buy a colonial costume to wear for our Revolutionary War Party next year? The kids are going to die! So save your pennies, so you can get one too!

  4. You are all so cute!! And it looks like you had a lot of fun too! :)

  5. What fun. I always went as a clown. Once I made the costume I hated to see it hanging in the closet!

  6. How fun!!! I love that you dress up :) I bet the kids had a blast with those cool games. You have to check out my halloween pics and see what Nick dressed up as...our kids are looking like twins again :)

  7. When I was in the 7th grade (1959) my mother made me a clown costume for the harvest party. My son (age 39) now wears it!!! So, keep your stuff, girl. You did well.


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