Sunday, November 1, 2009

Downtown Trick or Treating

Mom and Larry came over Halloween Day to visit. It was nice to have some help when I took the kids trick-or-treating downtown. We've never done that before (usually we go to Mom's house) but since Michael had to work we thought we'd stick close to home. Downtown is a safe alternative, although I was amazed at how many people came out for it. Very crowded! Mom and Larry helped me keep track of the kidlets. Josiah was a GI again, Hailey was a Civil War era child and I decided to be a biker chick. I know, real stretch for me, but it sounded warm and a lot of people don't know I ride a motorcyle, so it would have looked like a costume. I know I'm cheap! The only thing I bought this year was the pattern and material for Hailey's bloomers.

Before we went trick-or-treating downtown, we all went to a local pizza buffet and arcade. When we were done trick-or-treating, we came home and had spicy pumpkin soup. I got the recipe from Kim 's "Homesteaders Heart" blog. It was really yummy. We got a total of three trick-or-treaters the entire evening while we watched "Spartacus". We had a safe, non-scary and fun Halloween, just the way I like it. Hope you all had a good one!

God Bless,
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  1. Our day was busy but fun and safe. We go to the same neighborhood every year. It has a lot of elderly people who love to talk to and dote over the children. They look forward to it every year.

    I don't blame you for being "frugal" with your costumes. I thought I was because I got Elisha's for $10 on sale. But the supplies to make Bethany's made up for the great deal. Oh well, she enjoyed herself anyways.

  2. Hi Jackie! Just thought I'd stop over and let you know that another girl posted a comment after you on the Pumpkin Dessert recipe on my blog. She said that she just mixes up the dry ingredients needed for a scratch cake and substitutes whole wheat flour and cuts back on the boxed mix required! I haven't tried it yet, but you may want to give it a go! Let me know how it turns out.


  3. OOOH! Spicy pumpkin soup sounds delicious! sounds like you all had a fun time!

  4. I'm all for using what you have for a costume! Save where ever you can!

  5. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Our downtown area was really busy as well. A lot of people said they had a lot of trick or treaters this year.

  6. We don't do Hallowe'en any more nor give out treats. We usually watch "Young Frankenstein" movie that we've had for years. It's funny and has a monster in it!!


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