Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Thankful Tree

I got this wonderful idea from . My sister did it with her kids, too and today I put one together with Josiah and Hailey in no time at all. I just love this idea! I'm all about easy when it comes to crafts or creative ideas and this fits the bill perfectly. All I did was pull some branches off our red dogwood osier bush, wrapped the stems in a cloth napkin and stuffed them inside the vase which made arranging the branches a lot easier. Then got a extra few photos out, string, tape, hole punch, and some markers and let the kids have a ball. They made crosses out of popsicle sticks, and Josiah wrote "Jesus" on them. We have pictures of various family members, one of Josiah's first place medals from the AWANAS Grand Prix races and a chain celebrating families that he made in Sunday School today.

I though it turned out great. I'm going to make this a yearly Thanksgiving tradition in our home. What about you? I love to hear from my readers. What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions that are easy and fun?

God Bless,
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  1. That's so cute that Josiah put his medal on there! I love the crosses. I'll have to "suggest" that next time we do one! Looks great!

  2. I think your tree fits the theme! Thanks for linking up with us. I love this idea but am afraid the time might get away before we get a chance to do it. Then again...hmmm...we'll have to see.

    Thanks for sharing it! I know it wasn't your idea originally, but it's great you keep passing it along.

  3. Oh and I just ran across this page for Christmas crafts I thought you might be interested in. If you click on the home link you'll see some cute Thanksgiving crafts on the home page as well. Just FYI

  4. Jackie,
    I have an award for you! Please stop by and pick it up when you get a chance.

  5. That's a great simple idea to remind children to be thankful. So important to teach from an early age!

  6. Such a wonderful idea. Might try it with my Sunday School class.

  7. How neat! I love this idea!

    We have made leaves out of construction paper and wrote on them what we are thankful for and glued it to paper where we drew a tree - but I like your idea better!

    And, I love your new background!


  8. That looks great Jackie! Well done...i think it's so great to intentionally give thanks for things...and to involve our kids in the process.


  9. What a wonderful idea this is. I think I might steal it for a project in Kids Church. This Ozark farm chick has been looking for a good "thankful" project for Sunday. Thanks, I'm so glad I popped in.

    Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

  10. That's a great tree! What a wonderful way to encourage kids to be thankful. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I just saw this, Jackie! GREAT JOB! How is your tree going? We keep adding things on little papers each morning, but I've been lazy about tying them onto the tree *blush*...LOL!

    I'm so glad this worked out for your family! I love doing a Thankful Tree! :)


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