Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day!

Happy Veteran's Day to all the men and women who have served and are presently serving our country. This family appreciates you so much! I want to especially thank Michael's brother, Nathan, and our good friend, Rick, who are currently serving overseas. Our prayers are with you and you families! We went to our town's Veterans Day Parade this morning. It was great and thankfully to cold. It started raining after the parade so we were blessed to have stayed dry. Last year we got soaked! We are a patriotic family to the max, so it was another chance for Josiah to dress in his WWII soldier uniform and the rest of us in our patriotic clothing.

This year, we got to enjoy the parade with several MOPS friends. I did a presentation last year at MOPS on different ways to teach your kids patriotism. One suggestion I made was that they take their kids to the Veteran's Parade. It was so awesome seeing so many of these ladies at the parade this year with their kids waving flags.

These are some vehicles from our local National Guard unit.

Usually Michael rides with the Oregon Veterans Motorcycle Club. Unfortunately, he had to leave town for a doctor's appointment today since he got the day off. So this year, we waved to club from the sidelines.

I hope that where ever you are today you take the time to show your appreciation to those who have served and are serving this great country we live in. Please teach your children to do the same. It is so important!

God Bless,
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  1. I agree with you Jackie! We don't really realize what has been done for us by these valiant men and women...thanks for the thoughtful post. I especially like the first picture of your's great!


  2. this is a sweet post, Jackie! A great reminder of those who have and continue to put their lives on the line for our freedom. You must be so proud of your hubby! My hubby wanted to join the service, but decided to wait since we are in this baby-makin'mode right now;)
    I don't have your e-mail to ask you in person, but I was wondering if you would be interested in guest-posting on my blog while I am on "maternity leave" ? Doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Let me know if you are interested!

  3. Thank you Jackie for your willingness to support your husband through all these years so that he can serve our country.

    Josiah look great in his uniform!

    Happy Vet's Day Michael!

    We had the treat of seeing several WWII aircraft flying over our house today. They kids went crazy!

  4. Yay! I just blogged about this. Be assured that I try my best to teach my children Patriotism. I would love to hear what you taught about it. Maybe you could post it.
    We were so patriotic today that, as hard as it was, I even let the kids wave to the Democrat float.

  5. Thank you to your family and all the sacrifices you make for us in America. We appreciate you.


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