Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Visiting My Other Half (Literally)

I got to see my sis last weekend. My hubby was gone for a National Guard training so we decided to make a weekend of it. My mom took the four eldest kids (including Josiah) and dropped Hailey and I off at Stacie's house. As usual, we had a fabulous time watching movies, cooking, cleaning, even doing a little craft. "War in Peace" is a great movie to get through when you get to talk the whole way through it. Makes the slow parts go really fast! Here are a couple of sweet pictures of Stacie and my Lilylicious niece.
Yep, we are identical twins, so she is technically my other half. As one person so delicately put it, "Whoa, what an egg split!". I think that was the most original of all twin comments I've received in my lifetime thus far. She just cut her hair and went back to her natural color, so we don't look as much like twins now.

We made mock maple syrup, acrylic name magnets for our consequences charts, a fabulous maple glazed pork roast (see Stacie's blog for recipe http://www.afirefighterswife.blogspot.com/), and a couple of gallons of raw raspberry freezer jam sweetened with honey (see Labels-->recipes-->condiments on my sidebar). Andrew, Stacie's 4 year old, was very into helping us make the raspberry jam since he is a raspberry eatin' fool. Can you see the evidence on this kid's face. I'm truly surprised we had any raspberries left to make jam with! He ate so many as we were thawing them out. He was only too happy to stir the honey and pectin into the jam as you can see ;) This little guys just cracks me up. It was fun getting to know him even better this weekend.

My sister is freaking me out, but I'm lovin' every minute of it! She actually let me talk her into making some natural cleaner concentrate (good for floors, counters and urine spots on carpets and furniture: for recipe see sidebar, Labels-->Natural Cleaning). As a reward for her open-mindedness to the natural cleaning world, I deep cleaned her kitchen for her. This is a really hard thing for a mom of six to take the time to do. She totally deserves it and I only wish I could have done more. We also took the time to give each other several deep tissue massages. It was wonderful!

Thanks again, Stacie, for yet another wonderful weekend. I treasure the moments I get with you.

Love and Blessings,
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  1. I bet it was nice to be "womb" mates again. LOL What a blessing you were to your sis. That is so awesome!! You guys both seem like great women. :)

  2. Glad you got to spend time w/ your sis! I really miss mine--haven't seen her for 6 mos.
    Baby has turned! I was really encouraged by your comments on nursing--thanks so much!

  3. That sounds like a fun time with your sister! Cherish those moments! I'm all about the natural cleaners too. I'm sure you'll win her over! LOL

  4. You and me both, Girl! Thanks again for cleaning that kitchen. I just mopped my floors again and it seemed to work really good!

  5. Such special times!! How blessed you both are to have one another...I can "feel" the love you have for each other through your blog posts...LOVE IT! :)


  6. Some days I wonder what I've missed out on being an only child (having a step brother and step sister who were older and never lived with us really doesn't count). So glad my kids have each other.

    I think I might have to give that cleaner a try. I have been headed in the more natural direction because 1) I'd rather not wreak havoc on the environment any more than necessary and 2) most cleaners have a tendency to set off my asthma.

  7. I am so glad you had a wonderful visit!

    Sweet :)

  8. I'm thinking I need to spoil my sis when I go up next weekend with hubby for an early Thanksgiving, in WA. She's going to have surgery on her foot a little over a week before Christmas. So want to make her some bread and take a pie so she can have yummy bread for later. We've had our differences but love her much!! Will hope there's a recipe for the cleaner and my floor needs help. It's old and I dislike the crevices in it. Thanks for the updates! God bless and hope your hubby does well wherever he is.

  9. What a special thing it must be to be a twin. Literally, your other half. :) I am glad you had a great time and your kids got to share time with each other. Some of my most favorite times as a kid were with my cousins.

  10. I had no idea you had a twin! She must have appreciated the deep cleaning- that is an awesome gift! My sis and I are total. complete. opposites. This world has never seen a more different pair! The only thing the same is our hair colour- blonde, and blue eyes. :P It's funny how that happens! Glad you had a great time!


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