Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Part 2

Hailey got this wonderful gift from our friends, Billy and Kay. I love it because the bottle is attached and her clothes don't come off. They also gave her all the gear to go with her. She got a stroller, swing, diaper bag, carrier. She takes really good care of her baby. I can tell she's going to be a good mom someday. She even nurses it. It's so cute!

This was our big gift to Josiah. He loves old airplanes so we got him two Indiana Jones lego airplanes. He was thrilled!

Mom and Larry got Hailey this great coloring board toy. It plays music and the faster you draw or scribble, the faster the music plays. She was trying to draw flowers. She loves to draw and color. Completely the opposite of Josiah.

Here we are sitting down to our beautifully laid Christmas table. Menu: Rosemary/garlic boneless leg of lamb with a braised garlic/sherry sauce, garlic herb mashed potatoes, salad and sweet potato casserole. It was absolutely delicious! For dessert, Mom brought angel food cake and we added strawberries and whipped cream. After dinner, while Hailey took a nap, Larry taught Josiah how to play Battleship, while Mom and Grandma and I played a couple of rounds of Scrabble. Michael and Larry played some cribbage and we just visited and talked. Later that evening we used my mom's Fry Daddy and battered and fried some homemade onion rings, mushrooms, shrimp and potato rounds. I used coconut oil and it worked awesome as a frying oil. Not too greasy and no coconut after taste. Plus, it's not bad for you! Perfect end to a wonderful day. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to reading your Christmas posts.

God Bless,
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  1. One of these years, Daddy won't be needing to lift up that little red head, to place the star on top! Sounds like a perfect day.

  2. Happy New Year to you, too. We are a military family, too.

  3. What a beautiful family you have. So glad you all had a great Christmas.

    Here's wishing you a very blessed New Year from the Ozarks!!! :o)

  4. Looks like a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for sharing!
    (By the way, loved the comment about your little girl taking great care of her doll, even nursing it. I have 4 girls and they've all nursed their baby dolls too.) :)
    Have a wonderful New Year!
    In His love,

  5. Thanks for coming to my blog, Jackie. I cut and pasted your comment to the original post on the Chapel service, http://civillascybercafe.blogspot.com/2009/12/chapel-service-day-after-graduation.html and deleted that post, since it was kind of a duplicate. That service was great! All the trainees with their arms around each other, shouting, "Huuuaaad!" (short for heard, understood, acknowledged) when a strong point was made in a song! It warmed our hearts, and there was a Gospel sermon by a black Baptist chaplain and 7 or 8 people committed their lives to Christ! Pray for our son, Sam.

  6. Sounds like you had a great day!

    Elisha is really into legos and building things so he got a lot of legos for Christmas, more than I expected! Here's a hint though, if Josiah likes lego men and you buy them on Ebay (cuz' they are cheaper that way even though they are still kind of expensive) make sure you haven't bid on too many lots. If you win them all it's a pretty penny! Luckily his birthday is in February so I saved a few for then!

  7. How fun! Looks like a neat celebration, Jackie! That is neat that you deep fried with coconut oil! I will have to try that sometime!


  8. Amy,
    The coconut oil was the best frying oil I've ever used. The deep fried food wasn't greasy at all. Hope you have a chance to try it sometime.

  9. The boys are drooling over the plane set.

    The games sound fun!

  10. Happy New Year!
    I've found your blog through my friend Jenn, from Angelswithapurpose. Very nice blog you have here. Your family pictures are very lovely.
    When you have a chance come and visit my blog, I am having a book give away for a friend of mine, who has a beautiful ministry as Corrie Tem Boom. She is a wonderful Godly woman.

  11. Jackie,

    It looks like such a wonderful day was had by all. i have never thought to use coconut oil in the fry daddy - I may just try that!!


  12. You certainly had a blessed Christmas. May the New Year be great for you and you walk with Him.

  13. Loved going through the last two Christmas posts and looking at all of the pictures! They are all so good! I bet this year was one of the best all of you. Your kids are at the perfect age for a fun Christmas!! It looks like you had a blessed Christmas! I am praying that you have a wonderfully blessed 2010 too!

  14. Your little girl with her doll is precious! And Legos are a big hit around here...what a great gift for your little man!

    Many blessings to you Jackie!
    With Love,

  15. Cute photos. Children are so fun on Christmas!!
    Hey, Jackie, email me cuz you won a book on my site...I need your address to mail the book. Congratulations!! I emailed you as well yesterday. Take care!


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